Carnivores 2 is a first person hunting game. You can hunt 9 species of extinct dinosaurs such as the Velociraptor and Tyrannosaurus Rex. including 6 weapons and 5 huge hunting areas, Carnivores 2 is quite a big and entertaining game for hunters.

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yooo they managed to get ripoff modded carnivores on penguin system

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This is the alpha version of Carnivores running in Linux 3.8 x64 as a standalone game (with integrated main menu.)
As this is a pre-alpha, some parts of the engine are still under heavy review and are works in progress.

CPU: Intel i7-3537U Dual Core 2.0ghz
RAM: 8GiB 1600mhz
HDD: Toshiba SSD 240GiB
GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GT720M Optimus + Intel HD 4000 (Mesa3D)

Running on NVIDIA GT720M Chip with primusrun, achieves 100-172 fps.
Intel HD graphics achives 50-70 fps.
Running on NVIDIA GT720M Chip with optirun achieves 60-90 fps.