Design, build and run the snazziest casino in a bustling world where the sky's the limit. Work alongside cute animals who are anything but cuddly. Make sure to maximize client and visitor satisfaction while juggling their increasingly complicated demands. Inspired by the rise of Las Vegas in the 1950s, explore a retro fantasy world and take your place from a small operation to a grand success!A different kind of casino, filled with personality Meet the charming personalities of VIP visitors. Connect with them and learn their backstories, needs, goals and desires.Discover your management style What type of casino boss are you? Decide how you want to manage your capricious staff and clients, from controlling every detail to have an eagle-eye on every aspect of the business. Let your employees do their work or directly intervene on the floor. Reprimand drunk customers, kick broken machines to repair them, and make chips rain to see your customers burst with joy!Live personal stories

Post news Report RSS Blooming Business: Casino is out now on Steam!

Blooming Business: Casino is out now on Steam! What's "Blooming Business: Casino"? It is a relaxing life sim/tycoon game with a narrative twist. Bringing you an exciting place full of drama, danger and crazy cute animals. Manage your staff, guests, and unique VIPs so everyone is happy, and the cash keeps flowing! It might be harder than you think to keep all customers happy. How will you make sure the house always wins?

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Blooming Business: Casino is finally out now on Steam!

What's "Blooming Business: Casino"? It is a relaxing life sim/tycoon game with a narrative twist. Bringing you an exciting place full of drama, danger and crazy cute animals. Manage your staff, guests, and unique VIPs so everyone is happy, and the cash keeps flowing! It might be harder than you think to keep all customers happy. How will you make sure the house always wins?

Steam page:


Watch our new trailer showcasing our 2 main modes, The Campaign and the Sandbox. We’ve put a LOT of love (and animals) into this game and we hope our community will enjoy it. We will be fulfilled if it makes their day a little bit brighter!

We've received a lot of support and feedback during the development and for our numerous playtests and/ or demo. It helped us in making this game a better game for all! THANK YOU.

The game has greatly evolved since 2019, at release you will be able to enjoy a full campaign and a sandbox mode. We invite you to pay attention to all the nice details, the characters and story. There is a lot of beautiful work (art, writing, design, but everything really basically) behind all of this. Tony and Nat won't go easy on you if you don't pay attention to them...

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After three years of hard work (and fun), we’re super excited at Homo Ludens to announce the launch of our first game. We’ve put so much love (and animals) into this game and we genuinely hope you will have a great time playing it. Time to be the boss of your own casino!

We’re so grateful for all the feedback we’ve received through playtests and demos from our community. It helped us so much in making the game the best it can be! We sincerely hope you will have the best of time in Blooming Business: Casino!

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We can’t wait to see all the beautiful casinos you will build and design; make sure to share your wonderful creations with us on Discord and social media. Make sure to tag us on the accounts below and use the #BloomingBiz . We are refining the Steam Workshop feature so it can be available shortly for everyone.

See you in Las Venas!

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