Block Planets is a 3d puzzle game for PC, Mac and iDevices. Block Planets is a fully physics controlled game where you have the power to twist, turn and control entire worlds to bring the two lovers together. The game has over 80 unique levels, each leaping in the amount of challenge and 15 achievements the best of the best can try to unlock. Watch out for dangers the other inhabitants of the block planets set you into and try to beat your own local highscore or compete against the best of the best on world leaderboards!

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Level Creator Dev Day Three

Level Creator Dev Day Three


Wonderer blocks no longer just wonder, they move and there are some pretty decorations, which can be generated automatically!

Level Creator Dev Day Two

Level Creator Dev Day Two


Struggling with angry blocks and few other things.

Level Creator Dev Day One

Level Creator Dev Day One


Dev day one of the Level Creator. In this short dev feature I will explain and show what happened on Day One.

Block Game's script vanishing problems!

Block Game's script vanishing problems!

Feature 4 comments

Part of Block Game's script has vanished into the virtual limbo for an eternity because of UDK's error.