Biotopia is the latest indie game from Magic Storm, our hobby game developer team. It is a mixture of RPG and an extra large sandbox where the player 's imagination can run wild. The game is being created using Unity and will support more platforms beside the windows pc later (occulus, uwp, maybe xbox / ps4). The game is developed with German and English language support, like later followed by other languages​​, if the community supports us. The player can explore an extremely large 3d world and modify everything. There is a lot to discover on the land and in the deep underground. A lot of people and monsters can be found. He has the ability to gather resources , even materials, devices, machines, weapons, armor, potions, and also create and improve building from raw materials mined manually, can improve his own skills and interact with NPCs and act. Explore unique worlds :-)

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Feedback, Suggestions and ideas (Games : Biotopia 3D : Forum : Feedback, Suggestions and ideas) New Thread
Version 0.9.x: Feedback / Ideas / Suggestions EricBehme EricBehme - read

May 29 2018


Please tell us how you like it and what Needs to be improved! Or what should be added next :-) Thanks!