Battlepaths is a loot-centric and addictive 2D-RPG featuring neat monster hacking, an excellent loot system, and great variety in character development. Learn special skills, use powerful potions, and hunt down the Chaos Overlord. The game offers dozens of hours of gameplay, three big realms to explore, and a challenge realm that lets you test your might. Available on Xbox Live Indie Games and Windows PC.

TinaMenina says

9/10 - Agree (2) Disagree (1)

I played this one on the Xbox. Very nice RPG elements and very addicting. The combat starts off a little tedious, everything needs a bit to get going, but the further you get in the game, the more challenging it becomes. Well done little retro-RPG. I hope there's going to be a second part.

And what's all about that "bad" graphics? Okay, everything is kept simple, but still looking good to me.