Battlepaths is a loot-centric and addictive 2D-RPG featuring neat monster hacking, an excellent loot system, and great variety in character development. Learn special skills, use powerful potions, and hunt down the Chaos Overlord. The game offers dozens of hours of gameplay, three big realms to explore, and a challenge realm that lets you test your might. Available on Xbox Live Indie Games and Windows PC.

kaboro says

9/10 - Agree (3) Disagree

Surprisingly good action rpg. Behind the silly story and simple aesthetics lies a very solid game.
Has a Diablo-like loot system which is great, nice stats and skill system, lots of exploring and roaming, dungeons, tough enemies, puzzles and what not.

Gameplay to me feels like an old school Genesis a-rpg with a Diablo loot system, a good idea imho.
Very playable and very enjoyable if you're not put off by the graphics (personally i like them).