Battlefield 3 is the successor to the acclaimed game Battlefield 2. It includes advanced and innovative features like Frostbite 2, the incredible technology that takes animation, destruction, lighting, scale and audio to new heights, Feeling the impact of bullets and explosions, dragging your fallen comrades into safety, and mounting your weapon on almost any part of the terrain, and unparalleled vehicle warfare.

dodek96_pl says

7/10 - Agree (1) Disagree

Really, I expected this to be the game of the year but it was a big disappointment. It's still real fun to play, but I expected much more. Destruction is both great and bad, I like how it's very well focused on tiny details but it sucks that not too much buildings can be collapsed. Not to mention all the bugs... I hope they'll fix them. Also no mod support? Why? ArmA2 also has a very complex engine but look at how many mods there are. Shame on you, DICE and EA.