Battlefield 3 is the successor to the acclaimed game Battlefield 2. It includes advanced and innovative features like Frostbite 2, the incredible technology that takes animation, destruction, lighting, scale and audio to new heights, Feeling the impact of bullets and explosions, dragging your fallen comrades into safety, and mounting your weapon on almost any part of the terrain, and unparalleled vehicle warfare.

Kastrenzo says

9/10 - Agree (8) Disagree (2)

My biggest complaint about this game is it's Overglorification of the US Military. The other side in this game "Russia" is -never- featured in it's advertisements, and often it makes newbies never want to play as them. Personally I like the weapons of that faction more.

This game has fixed a lot of the things I disliked about Bad Company 2. I don't play BF3 For long periods at a time, Usually 5 rounds a day at most. But it is enjoyable, exciting and rewarding.

The Co-op is just a ******* tease. Unless you're playing with a friend, matchmaking you get thrown in a game that you cant even text chat with some random noob. The reason it's a tease is because theres half a dozen weapons in MP that cannot be used unless you get a Bazillion points in Co -op, DICE. This was pointless ********, think of other ways to entice people to play co-op rather than restricting a bunch of the ******* armory.