Live and breathe as Ezio, a legendary Master Assassin, in his enduring struggle against the powerful Templar Order. He must journey into Italy’s greatest city, Rome, center of power, greed and corruption to strike at the heart of the enemy.

Kark-Jocke says

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9/10 - Agree (6) Disagree

"This is my brotherhood."

The story of AC II continues with Ezio Auditore, who must travel to Rome, to find an object, called the oath apple. This apple gives you the power to affect your enemies, which then begins to attack its own.

Incredibly fun to have the opportunity to see Rome up close and all the fascinating under part of Rome. This game contains much that can be told about Rome. New Weapons, armor, opportunities to explore everything.

The positives of the game: New story, Multiplayer, Variety, Voice Plays, The combat system, Music and the climbing system.

The negative of the game: Rigid faces, Peevish camera, can be frustrating, Slightly uneven difficulty.

So my full scores for this game is - 9 / An exciting story