Sigma X Studios - Apprentice Introduction Story: You are a young lad pondering on the thought of the apprenticeship you would like, since the day of decision is almost near. Then that night, you awake to a man with a sword to your throat. You try to sit up, but the man takes a swing at your head with the hilt of his blade. As the world fades in and out from the blow, you glimpse a person that was not in the room before, taking down the man who just attacked you. The last image you get before you fall into total unconsciousness is a mans face while he picks up your limp body. As you awake, you are greeted by by this extremely serious cold stern man with the words "Get up boy! Get the hell up! We need to keep moving so there scouts don't find us!" Then as your eyes focuses in from gaining consciousness, you realize hes a master of......

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These are ones we like, and may make it into the game.