There is no 'why', there is just Science... and death rays! Applied Science is a class-based FPS designed around mad scientists and their zany experiments. Choose from an Atomic Physicist that can deploy a bullet-halting time field, A chemist with a poisonous gas problem or a Particle Physicist with a disposition for teleporting.

RSS Reviews

respawnplz says

Agree Disagree

Looks like unreal tournament. Same guns, still fun though. Would like some more unique guns, the maps look decent though. The wild entagled plants crossed with the buildings is nice, but unoriginal.


kith says

Agree Disagree

Cool idea,Fresh game,You can never have "Enough LAZORS"


multimelman says

Agree Disagree

Outstanding game guys. Well Done.


animastudio50 says

Agree Disagree

Looks promising! :)


TotallyNotFake says

Agree Disagree

This game is awesome! It's team fortress but with mad scientists! I love how its all different, like instead of just having a shield that bullets hit, it just stops them in mid air, then releases them after a certain time. And the portals are awesome fun. Overall great game, I want more maps!


lyrrad999 says