A retro horde-mode shooter set within a mystical and exotic dimension inspired by Southeast Asian culture

Add job Report (Unity) VFX Particle Artist and Level Designer needed for Undaunted at Trimatra Interactive

This job was posted over 30 days ago. This means the position is now most likely filled & no longer available.

Artists located Anywhere.

Posted by Trimatra Interactive on

Trimatra Interactive is looking for VFX Particle Artist and Level Designer (Unity)

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We are looking for an Experienced Unity VFX artist and Intermediate Level Designer to join the development of Undaunted : The Heretic One (Indiedb.com).The game has entered alpha 0.0.2 with placeholder VFX that can be accessed on our Itch.io page (Trimatraintractive.itch.io) and will be released as a prologue standalone teaser in Q3/Q4 2020.

The requirements are as following :
** VFX Artist **
1. Knowledge in legacy Shuriken Unity particle system/shadergraph.
2. Ability to write basic shader is a plus.
3. Knowledge on first person shooter specific projectile trajectory design is a plus.
4. Able to commit atleast 10 hours per week.

**Level Designer**
1. Knowledge of retro-pacing shooter design layout.
2. Basic architectural and level design knowledge.
3. Able to do level blockout within Unity and utilize the existing modular assets
3. Interest in Retro Style shooter.
4. Able to commit atleast 10 hours per week.
Disclaimer : We are looking for a Level designer not a Set Level Dresser, it is a two separate things.

Currently we cannot offer any payment until after prologue release, which by then the funds gathered will be used as monthly payment afterward to finish the full game. We are already in touch with some publisher so third party publishing and funding will be likely in the future.

To Apply

Get in touch with us by sending your application mail to trimatrainteractive@gmail.com or alternatively contact us directly from our fanpage discord : Discord.gg