A retro horde-mode shooter set within a mystical and exotic dimension inspired by Southeast Asian culture

Add job Report [REV SHARE] Gameplay Animator at Trimatra Interactive

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Artists located Anywhere.

Posted by Trimatra Interactive on

Hello! We are Trimatra Interactive, currently working on a lovely little project, titled "Project Dagger". To follow the development of our project, feel free to join our public Discord server: Discord.gg


Project Dagger is inspired by the old school first-person RPG dungeon crawlers, such as Eye of the Beholder, The Elder Scrolls I: Arena, and The Elder Scrolls II: Daggerfall, as well as some newer titles such as Legend of Grimrock and Hellraid, the latter being canceled by its developer, Techland. To add to that, the game also draws from the lesser known The Elder Scrolls: Travels series, the one which predated the latest Blades project by Bethesda.

Utilizing the robust Unity Engine, what we aim to do is deliver the good old classic dungeon crawler experience to the mobile market. To add to that, we are also determined to show respect to our potential customers without plaguing them with any ridiculous paywalls or pay-to-win elements that have proven to be the bane of quite a few modern video games.

The gameplay itself will be centered around dungeon crawling, and the player is going to be able to travel in-between several dungeons while also exploring the secrets of the overworld. As the players are going to want to grow stronger and stronger as they progress through the game, the loot is going to play an important part in defining the nature of the game. In order to ensure a dynamic and addicting loot system, we are going to be taking cues from the Borderlands formula. Adding to that, we are also hoping to hook the players by providing them with an engaging fantasy story worth experiencing no matter what!

In a nutshell, these are the main planned features (subject to change):
- varied and vibrant zones to explore
- randomized dungeons, ensuring that each experience is different from the next
- engaging main questline
- cutting edge combat for mobile devices
- straight-forward, yet entertaining gameplay
- attractive loot based systems
- ...

Story and lore development-wise, we are still in the wraps. Right now, we are slowly working on the prologue chapter and are setting up the lore, creating a believable world in the process. The first explorable area will be the Monmoth zone.

Quest design is going to be heavily influenced by The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind and Fallout 2, and as far as the NPCs are concerned, we plan on providing them with sufficient depth and layers to make their existence in the game meaningful. They are going to have their own backstories and unique interactions with the player. We are not planning on having our NPCs voiced.

Project showcase: Imgur.com


Gameplay animators will be responsible for player animations, item animations, and animation optimization in order to bring your work to life in the Unity engine. You will be working closely with the character modelers to ensure the optimal quality of the product.

Our ideal gameplay animator is an ambitious, passionate individual who fits the requirements below, and is interested in acquiring some decent references on his way to success.

- knowledge of relevant 2D and 3D art tools
- solid understanding of animation workflow, such as rigging, rotoscoping
- ability to animate realistic physical movements
- ability to take constructive criticism
- positive mindset
- fluency in written English
- ability to use Discord

- knowledge of Unity workflow

Our offer:
- revenue share based on the amount of work done

To Apply

Send us an email with your resume/portfolio to trimatrainteractive@gmail.com AND domen.valjavec@gmail.com