An epic bug hunt featuring a unique blend of co-op play and squad-level tactics. With your friends, form a squad of four distinct IAF Marine classes. Plan your attack using an unlockable arsenal of weapons with countless loadout configurations against a wide variety of aliens. Blaze your way through an overrun, off-world colony, eradicating the alien infestation in environments ranging from the icy planet's surface, to a subterranean lava-flooded mining facility.

goodone says

10/10 - Agree (4) Disagree (1)

for a free game, this is one incredibly fun sci-fi creation, building on steam's co-op capabilities, which gives it immersive replay value, making it an awesome return-back platform for general cooperative-skills practice with new gamers and relaxing eye-hand coordination training gamers usually seek. given its free access to the game's sdk, enriches the experience even further, adding various creative production of new game content based on valve's source engine.

what would u need more from a top-down squad-based shoot 'em up action game? valve did a great job piercing to gamers globally with this free content.