“A Nation of Wind” is a video game featuring elements of gameplay from both “Arena Shooters” (like Geometry Wars, Super Stardust, and Asteroids), and “Real Time Strategy” games, (such as Populous, Starcraft, and Actraiser). Set in a world of floating islands and airships, the player is tasked with commanding a ship and establishing/defending colonies. Players will be forced to deal with the bizarre creatures that come up from the lower atmospheres to wreak havoc on their airship and settlements, while appeasing the god’s of the land and eventually bending them to the player’s will. “A Nation of Wind” is currently developed by one intrepid artist, Jameson Wilkins. He is a freelancer with several years of experience in the browser and mobile gaming markets, and has studied game design and art the entirety of his life.

RyuShinomori says

7/10 - Agree Disagree

Very well done for This type of game. Simple graphics that dont interfere with gameplay and in some ways make it look much more charming.Controls can be a little finicky but nothing too serious, though it takes some time to get a handle on it so you can do well in battle.
Needs a sandbox mode and a little more fleshed out tutorial for those looking to get into this game without jumping into it so fast.
Take the reigns of a quirky spaceship RTS in which you settle an area at a time and take out any enemies you come accross. Battles can be hard at first but when you win it feels that much better.
While I didnt expect much, to be honest, It gave me a sweet surprise. I reccommend this to anyone looking for something new that isnt just a rehashing of simplistic designs. I look forward to future updates.