3..2..1..Grenades 3..2..1..Grenades is a local multiplayer frag fest. Grab up to 3 of your friends and blast them away. Deathmatch Good old deathmatch. First to a set number of kills wins. Fall Ball Stay on top of the blocks. While the grenades might not hurt you, they will destroy your footing, and falling to your death isn't the best way to win the game... Tennis Tennis... with Grenades... tl;dr - A Single Player mode is something I want to add for people that don't have anyone to play with. - This means Bots/ Challenges/ etc - Game Play Variants are on the way - More Levels - More Grenade types Roadmap So, I wanted to point out that the game is still being worked on and as such there are a few features that aren't in the Greenlight trailer. I'd really love to get the community involved in the roadmap of the game, so If you have any ideas post them in the forum :D. I plan on doing up a public facing trello board so people can see what's being worked on and such.

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3..2..1..Grenades! Dev Update Feb 4

3..2..1..Grenades! Dev Update Feb 4


Here's a look at some of gameplay in 3..2..1..Grenades!

3..2..1..Grenades is on Steam Greenlight!

3..2..1..Grenades is on Steam Greenlight!


3..2..1..Grenades just released on steam greenlight!

Blood...Dracula would be proud of...

Blood...Dracula would be proud of...


Something I've been working on: Added Blood to the game!