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sims + total war + 4x +custimizable gameplay + across the ages, game concept (Forums : Ideas & Concepts : sims + total war + 4x +custimizable gameplay + across the ages, game concept) Locked
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Apr 27 2014 Anchor

So i have an idea for a game but i dont have the resourses/ability to create it. I'm wondering if anyone is working on a similar game, would like to create it or if its even possible.

I'm thinking MMO 4x played out at the "family" level. So we'll say there is a world in place to play on, maybe some other player factions. Before you join you decide if you want to join an existing faction/race or create your own. For explanation sake I start my own faction/race, in some way I describe to the game's administration my race. The idea is, this creation, can be anything. So I want a bear race. The next step in the creation process is at least outlining a religion or joining an existing one, and being assigned a deity.

The deity will be a player, possibly admin, and has any imaginable (but limited so as to not just grant cheats) god power. The point of this is to facilitate the beings under this deity(s) in ways like giving a bountiful harvest, or granting an "epiphany" to speed up research, or buffs in battle. Maybe the underlings have to pray first in order to receive some benefit.

So now I have my race and religion defined, family name created, stats of my race worked out (maybe these bears have extra long life but cant have as many children so that smaller weaker races cant be bullied by the bears), the area this race is native to determined, I get plopped down high in the mountains, in a mountain valley. I have my avatar, the head of the family, and the rest of the family members which would be automated. Maybe you can switch between family members, but the ultimate point is that their automation isn't dumbed down and they're fully functioning, being able to set them on a certain set of tasks and getting needed results so that the whole faction can run off of these autonomous family members. The main task for the player would be faction management, of course they can help what ever task the player wants as well.

I start out with my family of bears in this valley with a small tent and a camp fire. Resources need to be collected, and food sources figured out. Farming has just been discovered and can be an option. Technology will of course play a huge part in the game but the open-ended faction play is the ultimate goal and keeping a static tech tree doesn't seem viable. Maybe my bears decide that the nomadic life is best, and hunting/foraging is the preferred method of food gathering when all the other present factions went with farming. Also available techs to be unlocked but are currently undiscovered should stay undiscovered. Ingenuity will be key.

Tools to gather the resources will have to be developed and implemented by the bears. Maybe they start with a sharp stone on a stick, and of course their claws with give them a benefit in certain areas, but a human hand won't be able to chop down a tree and break rocks. And of course the deities can play their parts in all this as well, possibly granting a pick axe in some miracle.

The bears are getting along nicely. New tents added, some to live in some to produce the needed items out of raw materials. New players have appeared with their family of bears. Labors have been divided and the new faction is growing. They expand outwards and meet the other factions through exploration. Language barriers have to be broken down, maybe through new tech., probably game interaction to symbolize learning the other languages. Deciding on a common language should be a possibility.

Of course wars will happen. The troops will come from players' families. The player will decide who and how many, and will lead them in battle. Formations of sorts will be possible. The management of an army would be decided among the players. Without an agreement on a rank structure, for example, each player has the ability to command his troops independent of any other player at all times. Players can call these troops at any time, even in times of peace, as there will be no times of peace or war recognized by the game codes.

More to follow. I apologize, it's getting late and I'm getting tired, but I hope this conveys the idea I'm trying to get across.

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