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How could they do this? (Forums : Console Gaming : How could they do this?) Locked
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Dec 30 2004 Anchor

wow i know it happened in october, but i just found out the BC for Xbox was cancelled. That game was going to be amazing!!!! If you knew the features and saw the in-game movie on the Xbox Demo disk, then you'd know what i mean.

Watch the amazing movies and look at the screenshots!

i made a petition:

Edited by: Chunky

Dec 30 2004 Anchor

yeah that did look pretty cool. Sucks that they cancelled it. :/


Dec 30 2004 Anchor

We hope to revive the project at a later date...

Thats a qoute from the director of the company regarding the cancellation.

cheguevara Member (what else?)
Dec 30 2004 Anchor

it was cancelled?!!? omfg that looked well cool and it was in OXM like every week argh!


Join the Cold War: Reborn team!

Dec 30 2004 Anchor

i made a petition: (i modified my first post to say this too so im not double posting)

Edited by: Chunky

cheguevara Member (what else?)
Dec 30 2004 Anchor

i just signed, lol 4 names


Join the Cold War: Reborn team!

Dec 30 2004 Anchor

get more people to sign :D

Dec 30 2004 Anchor

It won't really do anything. There's just been one delay after another for it. They might revive it, but for now, I think you guys need to realise that a lot of games do get cancelled, even with hype surrounding it (True Fantasy Live Online was a real good example).

Oh well, tis the life of a video game. They live or they die in the process. Hopefully they'll revive the project like the director mentioned :)


"He who fights with monsters might take care lest he thereby become a monster."
- Friedrich Nietzsche, Beyond Good and Evil, Aphorism 146

Dec 30 2004 Anchor

stop being so damn negitive about everything. the only thing that would stop someone from signing that petition is for someone to say that theres no use.

Dec 30 2004 Anchor


It's called common sense, David. The sooner you realise it, the better. A small petition won't fix things :P


"He who fights with monsters might take care lest he thereby become a monster."
- Friedrich Nietzsche, Beyond Good and Evil, Aphorism 146

Dec 30 2004 Anchor

if i cancelled something and then saw a thousand signatures saying to resume whatever i cancelled, then that sure as hell would motivate me. and that is being negative. saying that there is no use.

Dec 30 2004 Anchor

I'm sure they'd be more than willing to start up BC again, but they just didn't follow through with the development process. Things like this happen to videogames. Might as well wait and see what happens.

Once you get 100,000 signatures, come talk to me :P

It's good to see that Phantom Dust will make it Stateside, though :S

Edited by: Karuto


"He who fights with monsters might take care lest he thereby become a monster."
- Friedrich Nietzsche, Beyond Good and Evil, Aphorism 146

Dec 30 2004 Anchor

Yeah if you start a petition its going to take more than 1,000 signatures. I mean I am not saying this game should be cancelled it looked excellent, I am just saying you might as well accept the cancellation there is not much you can do to turn it around.


Dec 30 2004 Anchor

Hatel3reed wrote: Yeah if you start a petition its going to take more than 1,000 signatures. I mean I am not saying this game should be cancelled it looked excellent, I am just saying you might as well accept the cancellation there is not much you can do to turn it around.



"He who fights with monsters might take care lest he thereby become a monster."
- Friedrich Nietzsche, Beyond Good and Evil, Aphorism 146

Dec 30 2004 Anchor

Game looks like crap anyway


User Posted Image

embers. I'm a lumberjack....
Dec 31 2004 Anchor

it looks shit and i dont think 10,000,000,000,000 signatures would change their mind. They obviously were losign to much money making it and felt that they'd aimd too far(as most mods do) and cancelled. It happens alot just like mods get cancelled

Dec 31 2004 Anchor

No e-petition like "save our games" and "agree with my previous statement" ever get anywhere. It is an excuse to stir up unneeded controversy, I mean hell, over half the people here didn't even know about it's cancellation until you said it, how enthusiastic could they be to sway the minds of the creators?


<Cheapy> he's got a second alias
<Cheapy> so he can "hide"

EVADE EVADE lol, get me 3 kegs of bitch complain & whine okthxbai

Dec 31 2004 Anchor

Don't get me wrong, B.C. looked like an awesome concept, but did you think that it was really going to deliver? I mean, the same team (I think?) also did Fable, but although that one had a weak story, it delivered on what it set out to do, and that was for people to create their own character from a kid to an adult with all these different customizations. It sounds cool to be one of those neanderthals fending off dinosaurs and whatnot, but a lot of ideas like this do fail in the development process. Maybe they will pick it up again, maybe they won't. For now, it should just be left alone :P


"He who fights with monsters might take care lest he thereby become a monster."
- Friedrich Nietzsche, Beyond Good and Evil, Aphorism 146

TheRambo Hello.
Dec 31 2004 Anchor

I just signed :)
I think if they really get a lot of signatures, they might actually start again. Very often, stuff like that is stopped because of to little feedback. So if we give them a proof that there are many people interested in it, we do have a chance they continue the project.


OMG it's teh Raaaaammmbooo!!!

Dec 31 2004 Anchor

You are wasting your time :|


chis Old man.
Dec 31 2004 Anchor

These petitions usually fail

apart from possibly stormcrows one :P



Dec 31 2004 Anchor

Stormcrows was to not get his hair cut... this is to ressurect a canceled game... its not gonna happen :|


Dec 31 2004 Anchor

guess what? i dont care if it fails and if you dont think it will work screw off because this was meant for people who liked the game and where going to take less then a minute out of their life to sign somehing to show how much they liked it. so all of you can shut up and go somewhere else before this gets locked because of a couple of idiots that are putting down a little thing just made for fun.

Edited by (in order): Chunky, Chunky, Chunky, Chunky

Dec 31 2004 Anchor

yeah there you go thats a real signature getter! GO FOR THE GOLD! XD ... yeah w/e I liked the game but I dont own an Xbox so I could care less about it :/


Dec 31 2004 Anchor

David and his ignorance as to what "bitching" actually is. We're not the ones "bitching" about a game that has been cancelled. You started this thread, so you had to prepare for some criticism by us. It is the norm here on Moddb.

Make petitions that actually sound like they'll make a difference. I'm sure even with the backing of the people, they'll still have a hell of a time trying to convince Microsoft to start this up again. Only time will tell.


"He who fights with monsters might take care lest he thereby become a monster."
- Friedrich Nietzsche, Beyond Good and Evil, Aphorism 146

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