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A game like Shores of Hazeron (Forums : Ideas & Concepts : A game like Shores of Hazeron) Locked
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Jul 14 2013 Anchor

Have any of you played Shores of Hazeron?
It's a game where you create your specie then colonize your planet and accumulate technology and ressources then go for the stars by creating your very own ship that you design with crew and by actually being the captain of it ( walk in the ship when used etc...). It's a massively multiplayer game with a huge universe with thousand of different planet you can walk in etc...
But the game is very laggy and something about it are not very well done and the graphics aren't very apealing so my question is how hard could it be to do a game like this and would it be possible to make such a game for free with a team?

Edited by: Dax2

Jul 15 2013 Anchor

Generally mmo's take alot of effort and resources. Also servers (What the game runs on) are very costly, especially if you want good ones (That wont lag... as much). So it would be very hard/near impossible to do it for free with a team, even harder for an inexperienced team. If you are thinking of doing this, I would suggest something with a much smaller scope.

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