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3rd party control of StarCraft 2 (Forums : Ideas & Concepts : 3rd party control of StarCraft 2) Locked
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Jul 6 2015 Anchor

I've never done any modding, and am only a self educated programmer using Delphi and/or RemObjects to develop, and have a question for any onr willing to offer a little advice.

I'm an adept chess player and had a rating in the 1800 range back when I was in college. But I could never compete in Blitz, playing only standard type games using normal timing ranges. In StarCraft 2 and even a few other Strategy games I'm usually beaten for this same reason, being that I need not to rush and plan each move very carefully. So a friend and I while trying to play SC2 over a LAN connection came up with an idea to write a "helper" application that while running consecutively would provide and display a number of various conditions and timing issues that two players, ( at the very least ), could agree to and play SC2 under.

At it's most basic settings, it would, upon a game starting, allow each player an agreed to amount of time, ( for this example a 5 min period ) during which both players could accomplish any basic match setup and first moves. At the end of this period, ( which has been couinted down on an anolog or digital clock that both could see on screen ), The game would lock up automatically so that neither player can do anything. Who is to start first will be chosen by any number of methods, with my favorite being awarded to which ever player uses the least amount of time during the startup sequence. And he or she would then have their side released so that they could make whatever moves allowed as pre-set by the helper app, and for the move time agreed to. I favor each player being allowed 5 minutes, but the clock can be set and is visible during this new countdown period which could be set equally for each frim 30 sec to a whole day as agreed to! And again, when the player whose move it is runs out of time or signifys he or she is finished for that turn by clicking a button on their copy of the app, his side is locked up so that no aditional moves or changes/orders can be given until it is once more his own turn. Just as his side is locked up when the move is finished or timne for a move is given up, his opponent's side is unlocked allowing him or her to make their moves.

Of course it's not always that easy, and as one learns the game under these conditions they will of course learn to use these timing conditionals more and more as part of the general strategical effort! While at the same time opening up the game to players who might otherwise never get a chance to play at all!

I don't know how easy it is or is not to expose the many different commands of StarCraft 2, or even if it might be better to use a macro or a full coding base method. So if anyone has experiance with such things, of moding StarCrafy 2 its self, and/or of the problems this might entail necessary work, and even if you would just like to find out for your own work, I would greatly appreaciate ANY and ALL help or information you might be able to help me persue. Besides these forums, you may also contact me via e-mail at my working address: Thanx in advance!

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