Mod of the Year

2004 Mod of the Year Results ARE IN!

Each year we see a flurry of 'Game of the Year' awards features. We have even seen some 'Mod of the Year' awards, however, they have often been small uneventful features, judged by a few biased reporters and limited to one game. Not anymore; 2004 marks the first year when the public who make and play the mods out there get to decide which are the best going round.

Two competitions will be run:

  1. Finding the best released mods from each genre (i.e. action, adventure, strategy, etc.)
  2. Finding the best mod designers, the talent within the community (ie. best models, website, animations, etc.)

The outcome will be interesting; will the next-generation mods on the next-generation engines prevail or will the old classics come through with the goods? Will the popular games with tons of mods win by masses of numbers, or will the games with a few mods fuelled by cult followings prove a force to be reckoned with? Well January 2005 has come and gone so the results are in!

Awards Promotional Kit

Run a mod? Want to give it the best chance of winning? Then feel free to use any of the competitions logos on your mods site, to encourage your fans to vote for it!

Mod of the Year 2004 Logos

Mod of the Year Awards Mod of the Year Awards