Torque 3D is the best full source, low cost solution out there. It is also our flagship engine built on the core strengths of our Front Line Award-winning Torque Game Engine Advanced. Torque 3D has been re-architected for maximum flexibility and performance across a wide-range of hardware. Torque 3D comes equipped with a full suite of tools to allow your team to excel and produce high-quality games and simulations. With deployment paths to PC, Mac, Linux, you have the power to distribute games wherever they are played.

HeadClot says

10/10 - Agree Disagree

So I have been using Tourqe 3D MIT for a while now since version 1.2 the last closed source version/First Open Source Version. This engine is currently open source under the MIT license and can be found on Github.

The Current Version is Tourqe 3D MIT v3.5. So I am reviewing the latest version.

The Engine Code has been pretty much overhauled in almost every way. The rendering part of the engine now uses a Blinn-Phong Shading model by default. You get more highlights out of your 2D spec maps. Not To mention your Models look allot nicer.

There is current work to get an OpenGL based render and Linux/SteamOS support is coming very soon. Possibly by the end of this month and android support by next year. (2014)

The Torque 3D game engine runs on C++ and TourqeScript (A proprietary Scripting language made by garage games)

On top of everything there are regular updates to the engine made by the community and steering committee that garage games heads up.
In short this engine is a must to keep an eye on in the open source space.

* It is robust in terms of networking and rendering capabilities.
* Full Source code is provided via github or you can use a binary version.
* There are many resources, tools, etc. for this engine that make it invaluable.
* The community is constantly updating the engine with new features.
* The Community is extremely knowledgeable about the engine and its inner workings.
* More platforms are being worked on such as Linux and SteamOS.

Overall I have to give this a 10/10