Overview j4Game is a Java library for Game development. The first version been built to coincide With the port of Toxic Bunny to Java. The first version is focused on 2D only. Version 2 is planned to go to OpenGL Perhaps the most frequently asked question. Why try to write games in Java. There are a few reasons we choose to use Java. Portability Firstly by default our work runs on Windows, Linux and MAC. That alone is a good reason. Sun spends a great deal of effort making the Java platform run the same on all Operating Systems with additional effort within j4Game we expect to have a stable predictable environment. The one restriction to this statement currently is Console devices. Stability Java offers good stability at the cost of performance. Honestly these days machines are so powerful we can spend some performance to gain some stability. C++ can give the same levels of stability but I have personally had to patch too many games but the effort doesn't suit small teams.

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Hack 'n' Slash

Throne was a entry to the 2012 Indie Speed Run by Celestial Games. Purgatory: the ultimate journey for the Soul. The place of final judgment for those...

Thunder Gnomes

Thunder Gnomes


Thunder Gnomes was a entry for the 2012 indie Speed Run by Celestial Games. All was peaceful in the land of the Gnomes until the Great Awakening when...