We're a group of independent game developers who want to create new and exciting interactive works. We are guided by the principle that independent developers are free to be daring in design, and sometimes being simple is daring. Armed with nostalgia for the games of yore and a sense of amazement at the tools available to indie developers nowadays, we're hoping to make something unmistakably crafted by, and for, love of the game. We hope to inspire other independent developers, just as we've been inspired by the output of other individuals and small groups.

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Starwhal: Just the Tip

Starwhal: Just the Tip


The local multi-player space narwhal fighting game that has rocked the internet is finally ready for its big debut in a fully loaded release! Flop it...

Marvin's Mittens

Marvin's Mittens


Marvin's Mittens is a 2D platformer with a focus on exploration and collection. With gorgeous, hand drawn art, Marvin presents a soothing world to explore...