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This Is A List Of The Resident Evil 4 Animation In Game

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This Is A List Of The Resident Evil 4 Animation For Modders Of The Animations In Game And Some Animation That Aren't Used At All. Note That I Did Not Discovered This I Recovered This From A Old Resident Evil Modding Site (No Longer Up).

Here They Are:

Merchant Action

**Does Not mess Leon Up**

016_em18.fcv Standing

017_em18.fcv Opening Coat

018_em18.fcv Standing Open Coat

019_em18.fcv Closing Coat

020_em18.fcv Death

Regenerator (tends to turn leon into a giraffe) huh.gif

034_em36.FCV Standing

035_em36.FCV Walk Forward

037_em36.FCV Walk Forward Fast

039_em36.FCV Turn Right

041_em36.FCV Shaking Walking Forward

043_em36.FCV Walk forward 2 (different)

045_em36.FCV Lean forward (bite??)

047_em36.FCV Fall to floor Leg Shot out

049_em36.FCV Lunge at player to bite?? **Does Not mess Leon Up**

051_em36.FCV Turn Lunge to the left **Does Not mess Leon Up**

053_em36.FCV Stagger forward

055_em36.FCV Bite

056_em36.FCV Bite tearing away

058_em36.FCV Bite tearing away (pushed away by player)

060_em36.FCV Lunge Forward

062_em36.FCV Shaking bite (could be the spiking or amputated biting)

064_em36.FCV Right arm used to hit player

066_em36.FCV Swing Around to the left

Tomas' Finds

VILLAGER (The type like the first you come to) (EM10)

001 = Stand

002 = Walk (covering head)

004 = Walk Forward

010 = Walk Forward

017 = Walk Backward

018 = 180 Turn

020 = 90 Turn

023 = Staggering Backward (not by damage)

025 = Staggering Forward (not by damage)

027 = Climbing over window

029 = Jumping down from a ledge

031 = Climbing over fence

033 = Landing

034 = Damage (Flinching slightly)

036 = Damage (Staggering slightly, Shoulder damage?)

038 = Damage (Staggering, more damaging shoulder damage?)

040 = Face Damage (going forwards)

042 = Face Damage (turning and going forwards)

044 = Face Damage (going backwards and lasts longer)

046 = Arm shot (dropping weapon)

047 = Arm shot (not enough to drop weapon)

049 = Leg shot

051 = Leg Shot

053 = Falling to knees

055 = Knocked over (also death)

057 = Knocked over (shot from knees)

059 = Knocked over

061 = Knocked over (death)

063 = Knocked over (falling on stomach)

065 = Damage (can't confirm exactly)

067 = Tripped over (possibly by leg shot)

069 = Landing on ground

071 = Landing on ground

073 = Landing on ground

075 = Landing on ground

076 = Landing on ground

077 = Falling?

079 = Landing on ground... again

080 = Getting hit heavily (not knocked over)

081 = Getting hit heavily (not knocked over)

083 = Falling off of a platform (messes up Leon afterward)

085 = Knocked over again (slightly further)

087 = Tripping and landing on stomach

091 = Falling forward

093 = Slow death

095 = On fire?

097 = Landing on head

099 = Quicker death

101 = Death On back

103 = Death On stomach

104 = Getting up (back)

105 = Getting up (stomach)

107 = Pulling out a weapon

109 = Pointing at player

111 = Side Stepping

114 = Squatting

116 = Pounding on door

117 = Breaking obstacle

120 = Lighting Dynamite and preparing to run

122 = ???

124 = Attacking with weapon

126 = Throwing Weapon

128 = ??? (Kinda points weapon forwards and stops)

130 = Making a quick grab

132 = Making a quick 90 turn grab

134 = Making a quick 180 turn grab

136 = Jumping forward (goes pretty far)

138 = Chasing player while trying to grab

140 = Pushing?

142 = Climbing over fence while carrying Ashley

144 = Jumping down while carrying Ashley

146 = Landing while carrying Ashley

147 = Standing while carrying Ashley

148 = Crouching while holding pitchfork?

150 = Stop Crouching

151 = Holding up dynamite

152 = Ashley getting picked up

154 = Ashley getting carried away

155 = Ashley getting carried away

156 = Ashley getting carried away

157 = Merchant Stand

160 = Merchant Opening Coat

161 = Merchant holding coat open

162 = Merchant closing Coat

163 = Merchant walk forward?

164 = Merchant run forward? (was the merchant designed to be playable?)

165 = Merchant crouched and getting up?

166 = Merchant walk forward?

170 = Merchant Run forward again?

176 = Walk forward

182 = Ganado Raising Ladder

184 = Ladder climb start

186 = Ladder Climb

188 = Ladder climb end

190 = Ladder climb over window

192 = Wall ladder climb start

194 = Wall ladder climb

196 = Wall ladder climb end

198 = Face hit

200 = Knocked over and falling backward (doesn't go anywhere)

202 = Walking Forward zombie-like

208 = Getting Suplexed!

210 = Suplex!

211 = Standing carrying weapon

212 = Walk forward carrying weapon

218 = Run Forward carrying weapon

224 = Walk backward carrying weapon

226 = Salvador Stand

227 = Starting Chainsaw

229 = Swinging Chainsaw

231 = Faster Chainsaw Swing

233 = Walking with Chainsaw

235 = Running with Chainsaw (dangerous, I know)

237 = Running slower with Chainsaw

243 = Small damage

245 = Staggering backward

247 = Beginning to saw through Leon

249 = Sawwing through Leon

250 = Stop sawwing through Leon

252 = Getting knocked backward (is there a way of stopping Salvador from killing you?)

253 = Leon struggling against the chainsaw

254 = Leon pushing the chainsaw away!?

255 = Losing to Salvador's chainsaw and dying

260 = Garrador Standing

261 = Garrador Walking forward (Leon's arm gets twisted here)

263 = Garrador Stagger forward slightly

265 = Garrador Sprinting forward (Leon's arm gets twisted here)

267 = Garrador Stagger backward and fall to knees

269 = Garrador Staggering forward and falling to knees

271 = Garrador plagas injured

273 = Garrador Unsheaths Claws

274 = Garrador Turns around

276 = Garrador Charge Begin

278 = Garrador Claw stuck in the wall

280 = Garrador goes crazy (swinging his claws everywhere)

282 = Garrador stabs forward

284 = Garrador Kills leon (stabs through face and stomach)

285 = Garrador Claw Combo

287 = Leon Killed by Garrador

288 = Ganado Standing with Crossbow

290 = Ganado walking with Crossbow

296 = Ganado beginning to aim with Crossbow

298 = Ganado aiming with Crossbow

299 = Ganado firing with Crossbow

301 = Ganado Reloading Crossbow

303 = Ganado Aiming Up with Crossbow

304 = Ganado Aiming Down with Crossbow

306 = Ganado Shooting Down with Crossbow

307 = Ganado stop aiming with Crossbow

309 = Ganado standing with scythe

310 = Ganado walking with scythe

311 = Scythe swing/throw

313 = Ganado running with scythe

316 = Ganado walking backward with scythe

318 = Ganado staggering backward with scythe

320 = Ganado staggering forward with scythe

324 = Scythe swing downward

326 = Ganado standing with pitchfork

327 = Ganado walking with pitchfork

333 = Ganado running with pitchfork

339 = Ganado walking backward with pitchfork

341 = Ganado running with pitchfork

343 = Ganado staggering backward with pitchfork

345 = Ganado staggering forward with pitchfork

347 = Ganado short stab with pitchfork

349 = Ganado slow low stab with pitchfork

353 = Ganado stand with shield

354 = Ganado slow walk with shield

356 = Ganado slow run with shield

358 = Ganado slow walk backward with shield

360 = Ganado 180 turn with shield

362 = Ganado Shield bash

364 = Ganado mace attack while holding shield

366 = Ganado Staggering backward with shield

368 = Ganado Falling to one knee with shield

370 = Ganado Staggering backward far with shield

372 = Ganado twirling and swinging mace

374 = Leon getting hit by mace

376 = Ganado standing with rocket launcher

377 = Ganado running with rocket launcher

379 = Ganado walking with rocket launcher

381 = Ganado beginning to aim with rocket launcher

383 = Ganado aiming with rocket launcher

384 = Ganado staggering with rocket launcher

386 = Ganado aiming with rocket launcher again

387 = Ganado staggering with rocket launcher again

388 = Ganado Crouched with rocket launcher

389 = Ganado Walking backward with rocket launcher

390 = Ganado dropping rocket launcher

395 = JJ stand

396 = JJ Walk

398 = JJ Run

400 = JJ Stagger Backward

402 = JJ Stagger Forward

404 = JJ Begin Aiming Minigun

406 = JJ Aiming Minigun

407 = JJ Shooting Minigun

408 = JJ Aiming Minigun Up

409 = JJ Shooting Minigun Up

410 = JJ Aiming Minigun Down

411 = JJ Shooting Minigun Down

412 = JJ Jumping (goes forward)

414 = JJ attacking with gun

417 = Swinging Stun Baton

419 = Getting Electrocuted

420 = Grabbing and choking player

421 = Getting Kicked by Leon (escaping the grab)

423 = Choking Ashley then slinging her over the shoulder

424 = Ashley getting choked

425 = Ashley escaping choke hold

426 = Ashley getting choked then slung over the shoulder

427 = Turning around without caution

429 = Walking forward slowly

431 = Farming, pouring something from a bucket

433 = Farming, using the pitchfork on the hay

435 = Farming, exhausted with pitchfork (also wipes forehead)

436 = Farming, walking with wheel barrow

438 = Sitting cross legged

439 = Impaled?

650 = Ganado swaying?

651 = Ganado choking Leon

652 = Ganado slamming Leon

654 = Leon Getting Slammed

656 = Leon Escape Kick

657 = Leon Grabbed from behind

659 = Getting lifted

660 = Getting Slammed

661 = Leon Escape Kick

662 = Leon Escape Kick

663 = Back Elbow

664 = Leon On Fire

665 = Leon Crescent Kick

667 = Ganado picking up Ashley

668 = Ganado Carrying Ashley

669 = Staggering forward

670 = Ashley getting picked up

671 = Ashley Getting carried away

672 = Ashley falling out of Ganado's hands

676 = Ganado Strafing Right

678 = Ganado slow turn

680 = Ganado Strafing Left

682 = Ganado Blind Begin

684 = Ganado Blind

686 = Ganado Blind end

688 = Wesker Thrust Punch

689 = Ganado Flying away! (Thrust punch reaction)

690 = landing from Thrust punch reaction

691 = Falling straight onto stomach

693 = Neck Breaker

694 = Neck Breaker Reaction

696 = Psycho Chainsaw swing

KRAUSER (EM39) (Some of these may be wrong)

054 = Krauser Stand

056 = Walk forward

058 = Run Forward

060 = Jump Forward

062 = Krauser's Back flip (similar to Leon's)

064 = Right Cartwheel (great for a dodge roll replacement)

066 = Left Cartwheel

068 = Turn

070 = Krauser Jump over

072 = High Front somersault (same as Krauser's drop down except he goes up)

076 = Front somersault (goes slightly forward)

078 = Back somersault (goes slightly backward)

080 = Land

084 = Stagger backward

086 = Knocked Down Backward

088 = Krauser Stagger forward

090 = Knocked down forward

092 = Krauser Face Hit

094 = Crouched run

096 = Dash forward

098 = Dash around Left

100 = Slow Back somersault

104 = Cocky "Come get some" Taunt

105 = Dash Around Left

107 = Dash Around Right

109 = Shoulder Barge

111 = Strafe

113 = Dodge Back somersault

115 = Get up

117 = Get up from stomach

119 = Crouched Left Wall Hug

120 = Krauser TMP aim

146 = Intimidating Stance

151 = Krauser stun grenade

153 = Knife stance

155 = Knife Walk forward

157 = Hard Knife Slash

159 = Upward Knife Backslash

167 = Stand with arms crossed (makes good screenshot poses)

172 = Getting thrown

174 = Knife Combo, backslash, frontslash, upperslash and a spin

176 = Krauser Get up (back wheel)

178 = Krauser Knockdown (from dropkick)

180 = Knife Slash up

190 = Combo Ender preperation

192 = Combo Ender, Hard front slash

201 = Krauser Crouched

205 = Fall to knee

207 = Stand (Transformed)

208 = Walk Forward (Transformed)

211 = Run Forward (Transformed)

215 = Arm Uppercut

217 = 180 Arm slash

219 = Arm Thrust

221 = Double Kicks (doesn't do two hits)

223 = Sweep Kick

225 = Arm Slam

227 = Krauser chest explode (death animation)

229 = Krauser chest explode (death animation)

230 = Krauser chest explode (death animation, Seperate ways)

232 = Arm slam Kill miss

234 = Krauser stomping on Leon's hand

236 = Krauser's Legs getting slashed

238 = Arm point

244 = Stunned

246 = Stagger Backward

248 = Quick Dash Right

264 = Dodge Roll Right

266 = Dodge Backflip

267 = Stagger Right

269 = Dodge Crouch

270 = Diving to stomach

271 = Hopping Backward

272 = Grabbed By Krauser

273 = Throat slit death

274 = Escaping from Krauser's grab

275 = Knife Perperation (Krauser's?)

276 = Stabbed and slowly dying

277 = Drop Kick (this looks cool)

278 = Head Slash

279 = Neck Stabbed

280 = Knife sequence preperation

281 = Head Slash Dodge (lean backward)

282 = Stomach Slash dodge

283 = Sholder slash dodge

284 = Tripping and getting impaled by Krauser's arm

285 = Rolling away and flipping back up

286 = Hanging on a ledge and eventually falling

287 = Slashing Krauser's legs

288 = Flipping back on a ledge

289 = Krauser Intro Dodge

295 = Dodge Crouch

296 = Back dodge wheel

297 = Dive forward

306 = "Come get some" Taunt

307 = Unknown stance (useful for swords)


010 = Stand

011 = Walk forward

012 = Jump down

013 = Arm hookshot

014 = Turn around

015 = Walk forward faster

016 = Jump down (over a rail)

017 = Dash Begin

018 = Dash forward (distance is controlled elsewhere)

019 = Dash end

020 = Arm hookshot forward

021 = Arm hookshot upward

022 = Arm hookshot downward

023 = Arm extend

024 = Palm thrust Begin

025 = Palm thrust dash (distance is controlled elsewhere)

026 = Palm thrust End

027 = Plaga Bullets Begin

028 = Plaga Bullets shooting

029 = Plaga Bullets End

030 = Plaga Bullets Up Begin

031 = Plaga Bullets Up shooting

032 = Plaga Bullets Up End

033 = Plaga Bullets Down Begin

034 = Plaga Bullets Down shooting

035 = Plaga Bullets Down End

036 = Turn Whip

037 = Arm Stab

038 = Arm Stab Up

039 = Arm Stab Down

040 = Crouched

041 = Arm retract

042 = Arm whip

043 = Arm grab

044 = Arm Grab escape

045 = Arm grab death

046 = Palm slam

047 = Palm slam hit

048 = Palm slam death (face crushed)

049 = Damage

050 = Damage stomach

051 = Stun Begin

052 = Stun Loop

053 = Stun End

054 = Eye Damaged

055 = Shoulder Damage

056 = Stand

057 = Walk

058 = Walk

059 = Turn right

060 = Death

061 = Walk

062 = Walk

063 = Face Stabbed

064 = Whip up

065 = Whip down

066 = Dash Back

067 = Arm slap

068 = Saddler intro

069 = Neck crack

070 = Dash forward

095 = Dodge roll right

096 = Crouch Dodge

097 = Back flip

098 = Dive forward

099 = Grabbed by Saddler

100 = Escaping and stabbing Saddler's eye

101 = Getting wang-paled

102 = Stabbing Saddler's eye when he's stunned

103 = Getting slammed into the ground then cartwheeling backward

104 = Getting slammed and having face crushed

105 = Palm thrust reaction

106 = Wall hit

107 = Get up from wall hit

108 = Stagger right


003 = Stand

004 = Walk

006 = Run

008 = Sprint

009 = Walk (twitching)

010 = Walk (twitching)

011 = Hop Backward

013 = Hop Left

015 = Slow Turn

017 = Uppercut Slash

019 = Leaping Slash

021 = 360 Slash

023 = Tail whip

025 = Small Damage

027 = Medium Damage

029 = Heavy Damage

031 = Behind Damage

039 = Stand Weak

040 = Walk Weak

042 = Freezing Begin

044 = Freezing End

046 = Walk Weak and twitching

047 = Walk weak and slowly

048 = Turning weak

050 = Slow, Weak claw swipe

052 = Heavy Uppercut swipe

054 = Freezing or Fire? Begin

056 = Freezing or Fire? End

058 = Knockover Backward

060 = Ground impact

062 = Get up

064 = Finger wave Taunt

065 = Verdugo Backflip

067 = Crouched Turn

069 = Knockback

071 = Leaping Swipe

073 = Uppercut Swipe

079 = Stagger Forward

083 = Leap Forward

092 = Crouched (when he stalks you from the ceiling?)

111*= Dodge Crouch

112*= Dodge Roll Left

120*= Kick

127*= Damage Stagger right

129*= Dodge Backflip

144 = Verdugo Intro

LEON (PL00/PL08/PL09/PL10/PL19)

023 = Stand

024 = Door Kick

025 = Door Kick 2

026 = Door Push

027 = Turn

028 = Push Begin

029 = Push Loop

030 = Stop Pushing

031 = Get out Knife

033 = Kick/Chikyo Chagi

035 = Start Ladder Climb

036 = Climb Ladder Loop

037 = End Ladder Climb

038 = Slide Down Ladder

039 = Wall Ladder Loop

040 = Exit Wall Ladder

041 = Drop Down

043 = Fall Land

045 = Push Fail

046 = Injured Stand

048 = Injured Walk Forward

050 = Injured Walk Backward

052 = Injured Run Forward

054 = Injured 180 Turn

056 = Injured Right Turn

058 = Injured Left Turn

066 = Injured Run Forward

068 = Face Hit (Stagger backward)

069 = Upper Back Hit (Stagger forward)

070 = Stomach Hit

071 = Lower Back Hit

072 = Death (Slump to knees)

074 = Far Knockdown

075 = Get up

077 = Short Knockdown

078 = Explosion Cover

079 = Jump over fence

081 = Jump over fence

083 = Mission Failed (Ashley's death)

086 = Crouch Begin

087 = Crouch Loop

088 = Crouch End

090 = Unknown Drop Down

091 = Unknown Drop Down Land

100 = Quick Crouch

101 = Crouch Turn

117 = Answering Radio

120 = Whistling

125 = Knife Stance

126 = Knife Slash

127 = Knife Upper Stance

128 = Knife Upper Slash

129 = Knife Lower Stance

130 = Knife Lower Slash

131 = Injured Stand


176 = Damage (flying backwards)

177 = Hitting wall and falling to stomach

178 = Getting up from stomach

180 = On ground (dead?)

181 = Charging and climbing on El Gigante (from back)

183 = Stabbing El Gigante's Hand

184 = Getting Slammed onto the ground

187 = Dodge Crouch

188 = Getting Hit

189 = Dodge Roll Right

191 = Slashing El Gigante

192 = Jumping off El Gigante

193 = Getting Slammed onto the ground

194 = Charging and climbing on El Gigante (from front)

207 = Get up (Ada or Ashley)

208 = Getting slammed onto the ground

209 = Lying on stomach

223 = Pulled into smelting pool

228 = Staggering on the platform

229 = Getting stomped on

230 = Falling off platform

Novistador EM2D

091 = Acid Grab begin

092 = Jump kick

093 = Acid Grab pain

094 = Acid Grab throw

095 = Acid Grab throw

096 = Death by acid grab

098 = ??? (Puts hands up)


006 = Stand

007 = Walk Forward

009 = Walk Forward (faster)

011 = Turn Left

013 = Turn Right

015 = Turn 180

017 = ??? (squirming fit)

019 = ??? (squirms slightly)

021 = ??? (squirms slightly)

023 = Quick 180 Turn

025 = ??? (squirms slightly)

027 = ??? (squirms slightly)

030 = Damage Forward (Stagger Back)

032 = Damage

034 = ???

036 = Side Step Left

038 = ???

040 = ???

042 = Damage Behind (Stagger Forward

044 = Stunned (Mendez looses balance)

046 = ???

048 = ???

050 = Stagger Back

052 = Stagger Back further

054 = ???

056 = Shoulder claw swing

058 = Stagger backward

060 = ???

062 = Leap Forward far

064 = Leap Forward short

066 = Upper body getting severed

*torso state*

068 = Hanging

069 = Hanging swagger

070 = Crawling forward

072 = Returning to hanging position

074 = Leaping forward

076 = Hanging Side step Left

078 = Hanging Side jump Left

080 = Leap Backward

082 = Leap Backward

084 = Turn Left

086 = Turn Left

088 = Leap Left

090 = Spinning?

092 = ???

094 = Quick turn

096 = Quick Hard turn

098 = Shoulder Claw attack 1

100 = Shoulder Claw attack 2

102 = Shoulder Claw attack 3

104 = Shoulder Claw attack 4

105 = Shoulder Claw attack 5

106 = ???

108 = Shoulder Claw attack 6

110 = Shoulder Claw attack 7

112 = Falling

114 = On ground

115 = Ground impact

117 = Ground recovery

119 = Dead

120 = Leaping forward

122 = Furious leaps forward

124 = Furious leaps forward 2

126 = Crawl turn

128 = Get up

130 = 180 Turn

133 = Get up slowly


132 = Get up from stomach

134 = Falling forward

136 = Getting Slammed

137 = Getting Slammed (different camera angle)

138 = Getting thrown upward

139 = Escaping from grab

140 = Getting impaled

141 = Stagger Forward

142 = Falling off platform

143 = Getting bear hugged

144 = Escape bear hug

145 = Fly backward (almost instant)

146 = Land on stomach

147 = Land on back

148 = Dodge roll right

150 = Dodge crouch

BOAT pl0f

Leon Animations

005 = Idle on the Boat

006 = Turning Right

007 = Turning Left

008 = Preparing a harpoon

009 = Aiming Harpoon

010 = Aiming Harpoon Up

011 = Aiming Harpoon Down

012 = Throwing Harpoon

013 = Throwing Harpoon Up

014 = Throwing Harpoon Down

015 = Putting Harpoon Down

016 = Swimming

026 = Staggering

028 = Knocked off the boat

029 = Getting back on the boat

030 = Swimming up

036 = Preparing a harpoon (when Del Lago hides itself)

037 = Getting on the boat from the dock

038 = Getting off the boat

Boat animations

025 = Boat floating

027 = Boat flipped upward

035 = idle boat

Ashley Animations

039 = Getting on the boat

040 = Idle on the boat

041 = Getting off the boat

042 = Moving on the boat

043 = Turning Left

044 = Turning Right


017 = Getting on the Jet Ski 1

018 = Idle on the Jet Ski

019 = Turning Left

020 = Turning Right

021 = Speeding Up

022 = Slowing Down

023 = Flying off the Jet ski 1

024 = Backflip

025 = Getting on the Jet Ski 2

026 = Banking right

027 = Banking Left

028 = Flying off the Jet ski 2

029 = Flying off the Jet ski 3

030 = Flying off the Jet ski 4

031 = Barrel Roll

Real-time event animations. These are found in the st*.dat files:


037_r100 = Sitting in truck (policeman)

038_r100 = Driving truck (policeman)

040_r100 = Ganado 1 on hill at start (where they notice Leon and run back to the village)

041_r100 = Ganado 2 on hill

042_r100 = Ganado 3 on hill

046_r100 = Leon walking casually

047_r100 = Policeman chiding Leon

048_r100 = "Not that way, cowboy" - other policeman


027_r103 = Leon relocates to his left

028_r103 = Leon ends up leaning to his left

029_r103 = Same as 27

030_r103 = Same as 27

031_r103 = Same...

032_r103 = Same....

033_r103 = Same.....

034_r103 = Same......

035_r103 = Dear God, why did you need so many files for the same animation!?

036_r103 = Take a guess..


027_r104 = Notices boulder, starts to run

031_r104 = Sprinting away from boulder

040_r104 = Boulder dodge right

041_r104 = Getting crushed by boulder

043_r104 = Pushing cabinet over

045_r104 = Pushing cabinet over 2


029_r106 = Notices boulder, starts to run

031_r106 = Sprinting away from boulder

040_r106 = Boulder dodge right

041_r106 = Getting crushed by boulder

043_r106 = Pushing cabinet over

044_r106 = Pushing cabinet over 2

045_r106 = Pushing cabinet over 3

052_r106 = Leon smashed into ground

053_r106 = Leon stuck in ground wobbling his arm

054_r106 = Gets stuck in ground, rotates 180, then gets up


029_r10a = Notice boulder, getting ready to run

031_r10a = Sprinting!

040_r10a = Boulder dodge right

041_r10a = Getting crushed by boulder

043_r10a = Pushing cabinet over

045_r10a = Pushing cabinet over 2


028_r10b = Standing on boat

029_r10b = Floating on boat (heavier waves)

030_r10b = More floating on boat

031_r10b = More floating on boat (heavier waves)


029_r10c = No idea

030_r10c = No idea

031_r10c = Climbing up the rope

032_r10c = What the hell is he riding!?

033_r10c = Leon noticing boulder then getting ready to run

034_r10c = First Ganado you meet with las plagas convulsing!


029_r10f = Ganado pointing? No idea

033_r10f = Weird! Transports you out of the map, maybe travelling on boat/tram?

034_r10f = Again, out of the map.

035_r10f = Getting onto tram

036_r10f = Ashley getting onto tram (looks funny on Leon)

037_r10f = More tram moving..

038_r10f = Leon getting off tram

039_r10f = Ashley getting off tram

040_r10f = No idea, Leon sinks under the map then reappears 10 metres away later

041_r10f = Ganado jumping off ledge onto top of tram

042_r10f = Ganado chopping away at tram cable

043_r10f = Ganado chopping away at tram cable 2

044_r10f = Tram car falling for Ganado

045_r10f = Tram car falling for Leon

046_r10f = Stumbling about in tram car


027_r133 = Leon giving Ashley piggyback

028_r133 = Ashley being given the piggyback

030_r133 = Camera pans off to the left quickly

031_r133 = Same, but Leon ends up leaning to his left

032_r133 = Same as 32

033_r133 = Same

034_r133 = Same

035_r133 = Same

036_r133 = Same as r103, basically!


029_r117 = Gets stuck in ground then ends up leaning backwards whilst moving

030_r117 = Leon's body swings forwards and backwards but he moves from side to side as well

031_r117 = Leon's whole body swings backwards and forwards

032_r117 = Same as 31

033_r117 = Jump onto chandalier

034_r117 = Swinging on chandalier

035_r117 = Jump from chandalier

036_r117 = Jump from chandalier (fail to reach ledge)


029_r11b = More standing on a boat

032_r11b = More rocking on a boat

031_r11b = Even more standing on a boat

032_r11b = Even more rocking on a boat


029_r11c = Quite funny! Leon's torso stretches out and he seems to hang. Could be used by the "Big Cheese" in the barn fight.


031_r11d = Ganado move? Like he's tugging something hard and walking forward.


032_r11e = Leon just completely disappears

033_r11e = Leon flips forward into the air and then ends up at a funny angle with his trousers expanded.

034_r11e = Leon gets slammed to the floor

035_r11e = Ashley gets slammed to the floor

039_r11e = Ashley pointing

040_r11e = Ashley pointing ("look, Leon!") at boulder

041_r11e = Ashley quick point


029_r11f = Leon jolts forward

032_r11f = Big Cheese jolts forward

035_r11f = More Big Cheese jolting

038_r11f = Leon jolts forward again

041_r11f = Leon gets buried in ground

042_r11f = Leon gets stuck in the ground with his arm flapping about

043_r11f = Gets stuck in ground, rotates 180, then gets up


028_r201 = Standing still, hands clamped by sides

029_r201 = Flailing arms in front and staggering forward


029_r202 = Rotating handle

040_r202 = Leon's entire body rotates sideways twice! (This must be for another model)

049_r202 = Bends down, grabs rock, puts it in catapult (castle area)


029_r204 = Gets stuck in ground, leans back slightly

030_r204 = Leon's body rotates backwards and forwards slightly

031_r204 = Same as 30 except he doesn't lean at the end

032_r204 = Same as 31

033_r204 = Jump onto chandalier

034_r204 = Swinging on chandalier

035_r204 = Jump from chandalier to ledge

036_r204 = Jump from chandalier to ground

037_r204 = Jump from chandalier to ground (different landing)

039_r204 = Priest giving sermon (after the sewers)

040_r204 = Occult praying (bowing head)


028_r205 = Quick dodge right (similar to Krauser's move)

029_r205 = Enemy falling from height

030_r205 = Walking forwards cautiously (perhaps for the Ashley trap cutscene)


028_r206 = Ashley struggling in trap

029_r206 = Quick Ashley struggle (when you shoot trap bars off)

030_r206 = Ashley struggling with locked door

031_r206 = Very short struggle against bars

032_r206 = Stop struggling (when she dies)

033_r206 = Quick lean to the right

034_r206 = Struggling with just bars around legs remaining

035_r206 = Ashley clutch chest and look around

036_r206 = Ashley draws her arms in briefly

037_r206 = Ashley quivering

038_r206 = Quivering briefly then recovering

039_r206 = Goes into crouch

040_r206 = Long squat

041_r206 = Getting up again

042_r206 = Doubles over limp (dies?)

045_r206 = Bends over to pick up item

048_r206 = Very similar to 35


027_r208 = Rotating crank handle

038_r208 = Crank handle rotating

048_r208 = Leon checking something (a wall?) with his hands, big pan upwards

049_r208 = Ashley being given piggyback through window, then unlocking door

050_r208 = Rotating crank handle

059_r208 = Catch Ashley and deposit her on ground

061_r208 = Ashley landing in Leon's arms then standing up

063_r208 = Ashley leaning forwards

064_r208 = "Look, Leon!" - Ashley pointing again


034_r209 = Priest manning minigun

035_r209 = Put minigun down? Not sure

036_r209 = Hit whilst manning minigun

037_r209 = Death whilst manning minigun? Slumps to the right


027_r20a = Struggling/pushing against huge obstacle

028_r20a = Ashley getting piggyback up to higher ledge (raising the water blocks area)


029_r20c = Leon noticing boulder then starting to run (what's this doing here?)


027_r20d = Ashley picks up lamp and throws it

028_r20d = Ashley begin crawl

029_r20d = Ashley crawling (hello Leon's arse!)

030_r20d = Ashley get up from crawl

033_r20d = Dias model rotating

034_r20d = Ashley rotating the dias

035_r20d = Dias model rotates 180 degrees

036_r20d = Ashley rotates dias 180 degrees

039_r20d = Crank being rotated

048_r20d = Ashley rotating crank

057_r20d = Ashley throwing lamp (no rotation)

058_r20d = Ashley throwing lamp (rotation)

059_r20d = Ashley throwing lamp (left turn)

060_r20d = Ashley throwing lamp (right turn)

061_r20d = Get up from crouch


027_r20e = Ashley turn 180 and throw lamp

028_r20e = Ashley throw lamp straight ahead

029_r20e = Same as 27

030_r20e = Turn left and throw lamp

031_r20e = Turn right and throw lamp

032_r20e = Begin crawl

033_r20e = Ashley crawling

034_r20e = Get up from crawl

035_r20e = Same as 34


027_r210 = Leon gets onto small train car and moves away from camera

028_r210 = Ashley gets onto small train car and moves away from camera

029_r210 = Unknown model - Leon's back bends 90 degrees backwards and then spins around very quickly

032_r210 = Leon gets off small train car

033_r210 = Ashley gets off small train car

034_r210 = Very similar to 29

035_r210 = Ashley looks around

036_r210 = Same as 35


029_r212 = Priest driving drill machine

030_r212 = Priest dies driving drill machine

031_r212 = Ashley goes into crouch

032_r212 = Ashley in terror crouch

033_r212 = Ashley pointing in terror (brief)

034_r212 = Ashley pointing at drill machine

035_r212 = Ashley pointing briefly

036_r212 = Ashley backs away


029_r213 = No animation


029_r214 = Pick up fire boulder and load catapult


027_r219 = Leon gets on small train car and moves away

028_r219 = Ashley gets on small train car and moves away

029_r219 = Unknown model - Leon's back bends 90 degrees backwards and then spins around very quickly

032_r219 = Leon gets off small train car

033_r219 = Ashley gets off small train car

034_r219 = Very similar to 29


029_r21b = Train ride (very long), Leon sinks under ground

030_r21b = Same as 29

031_r21b = Leon falling (model screws up at end)

032_r21b = Leon falling

033_r21b = Leon's HUGE leap forward to try and grab the ledge

034_r21b = Leon falling down pit

035_r21b = Leon holding on with one hand

036_r21b = Leon climbs up onto ledge (after tapping A)

037_r21b = Flies upwards into sky and hovers for a bit (could be the falling animation)

038_r21b = Stagger forward over obstacle

040_r21b = Jump down/vault down animation


027_r21d = Leon vaults up onto ledge

030_r21d = Leon gets smashed into ground (possibly by the crushing stones in the cavern)

031_r21d = Leon standing up after vaulting onto ledge

032_r21d = Similar to 27


030_r221 = Leon jumps up and detaches the nitrogen canister from the wall (Right Hand battle)

031_r221 = Leon ends up with no top body (is this a death animation?)

032_r221 = Leon frees a canister from the wall

033_r221 = Canister model spinning


027_r222 = Leon gets stuck in ground then sinks under and moves about (no idea)


029_r223 = Leon transports off map (not a clue)

030_r223 = Stumbles onto ledge

032_r223 = Same as 30


027_r224 = Climbs up onto ledge

031_r224 = No idea (might be Salazar boss animation)

032_r224 = Zipline animation

034_r224 = Grab lever and turn round to look (Los Gigantos boss fight)

035_r224 = Holding lever loop

036_r224 = Pull lever

040_r224 = Sunk in ground (El Gigante drowning in magma?)


027_r225 = Leon turning crank handle (Salazar statue room)

038_r225 = Crank model turning

052_r225 = Leon gets sunk in ground

053_r225 = Same as 52 except he rotates


029_r226 = Leon just disappears

030_r226 = Same as 29

031_r226 = Same..

032_r226 = Statue animation (unknown)

033_r226 = Statue animation (unknown)

035_r226 = Jump between ledges (statue hands)

036_r226 = Quick duck forward (like a shoulder barge)

037_r226 = Leon crushed by statue (onto his front)

038_r226 = Leon notices statue and starts to run

040_r226 = Leon running away from statue

049_r226 = Dodge roll to right

051_r226 = Leon right shoulder roll

052_r226 = Skid to a stop

053_r226 = Crushed under foot and knocked backwards (far)

* Animations 054 to 096 are all unknown statue animations *

101_r226 = Leon's leap of faith

102_r226 = Leon holding on to the ledge

103_r226 = Leon climbs up onto ledge (after tapping action)

104_r226 = Leon falling?

105_r226 = Leon turns around and gets crushed by Salazar statue

106_r226 = Statue anims..


030_r227 = Leon climbs onto ledge (after Salazar statue, in the spiral tower)


027_r229 = Causes crash. Whoops!


029_r22a = Salazar boss animations (unknown)

030_r22a = Salazar boss animations (unknown)

031_r22a = Leon climbing up rope

032_r22a = Leon climbing down rope


027_r300 = Climb up onto rock

031_r300 = Unknown, Leon ends up bent 90 degrees

032_r300 = Leon crushed into ground

033_r300 = Notice boulder, turn to run

034_r300 = Backflip dodge

035_r300 = Pushing laser rod (island)

036_r300 = Pushing laser rod

037_r300 = Struggles with laser rod and gives up

044_r300 = Ashley being carried away (island cutscene)

045_r300 = Notices boulder on ledge above

046_r300 = Spins around and notices something (not sure what)

047_r300 = JJ introduction (as he jumps down from his ledge)


027_r301 = Climb up onto ledge

030_r301 = Pull up onto ledge

032_r301 = Jump down from ledge


027_r318 = Killed by lasers

028_r318 = Dodge roll forward on right shoulder

045_r318 = Leon dives through lasers - unfortunately, he does this sideways

077_r318 = Leon runs up wall and backflips over lasers - again, sideways

093_r318 = Leon notices lasers coming towards him

113_r318 = Backflip away from lasers - sideways..

112_r318 = Backflips onto floor, then rolls forward onto his feet

131_r318 = Leon sits on throne and ponders life (yay!)

132_r318 = Leon gets up from throne

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V-DOKA - - 9 comments

And where are the animation files located?

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