Post tutorial Report RSS Doom 3 How to Make Demons Not Evaporate Without Using Mods Guide

A step by step guide to make demons not evaporate after death without using mods

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This is a guide that will allow you to get non-evaporating demons in Doom 3 without using mods to accomplish this.

First off, you need "7-Zip" application. If you already have 7-Zip you are set.

Also, I recommend you make a backup copy of the file we'll be editing in this guide and paste it in a backup folder for safekeeping.

Step 1: go into your "base" folder located in your Doom 3 directory.

Step 2: look for the "pak000.pk4" file.

Step 3: right click on "pak000.pk4" with your mouse and highlight 7-Zip. A window will open on the right. In the window to the right, left click on "Open Archive".

Step 4: look for the folder called "def". It should be close to the very top of the folder list inside the pak file.

Step 5: double left click on the "def" folder to access its contents.

Step 6: inside the "def" folder you will see a list of "def" files. Scroll down till you find the "def" files that start with the text line "monster_demon_"

Step 7: open any one of the "monster def" files by right clicking on the selected file and than left click the "view" option in the window tab that pops up.

For conveniency sake, we will be editing the "monster_demon_imp.def" file in this guide.

Step 8: inside the "monster_demon_imp.def" file scroll all the way down till you find the text line;

"entityDef monster_demon_imp {"

Step 9: just below the "entityDef monster_demon_imp {" text line you will see a bunch of text line definitions. The text line we want to change to make the Imp not evaporate when killed in game is the "burnaway" ".5" text line.

Step 10: change the value ".5" to "9000". NOTE: leave large space between "burnaway" and "value" as is.

Step 11: after changing the "burnaway" value from ".5" to "9000" move your mouse cursor into the upper left corner of this window and left click on "File". Now left click on the "Save" option in the small tab that popped up.

Step 12: now that you've saved your changes, move your mouse cursor into the upper right corner of this window and left click the "X" symbol to exit the window.

Step 13: a small tab will pop up with the text line;

"File 'monster_demon_imp.def' was modified.

Do you want to update it in the archive?"

Left click the "OK" button.

Step 14: start a new game from the beginning or (if using Enhanced Edition) from a chapter checkpoint. Kill an Imp with any weapon and witness its ragdoll body stay on the ground after death. You can even backtrack through the level and the Imp's body will still be there where you left it.

Okay, now that you know how to make an Imp not evaporate after death you can use the same method in this guide for all the other monster demons in Doom 3. Simply follow the steps you've learned from this guide and apply it to the other "monster_demon_" def files.

The text line will be the same in every demon "def" file;

"burnaway" "value" (for most monsters the default value number is "0.50").

Just change whatever the value number is to "9000" and than save your changes.

IMPORTANT NOTE: for anyone who has the "Trent Reznor Sounds Mod" pak installed in their "base" folder, you will have to also edit the monster def files inside the "Trent Reznor Sounds" pak and change their "burnaway" value to "9000". If you don't do this, certain demons (Pinky for example) will still evaporate after death, even if you changed the "burnaway" value to "9000" inside the "monster_demon_pinky.def" file inside the vanilla "pak000.pk4" file.

Also, if you are still experiencing demons evaporating after following these steps, check all or any Mod "pak" files you might have intalled in your "base" folder and look for any "monster def" files inside the Mod's custom "pak" files. If you find any, make sure to change the "burnaway" value to "9000".

This method works for pretty much any mod.

I hope this guide was helpful and easy to follow.

Doom 3 forever!

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LocustQ - - 488 comments

Why dont just make extra PAK file with modded time for evaporation?

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ParallaxTiger Author
ParallaxTiger - - 143 comments

I'm still figuring out how to make my own custom "pak" files. I made this guide for people who want to have "non-evaporating" demons as a standard setting in their vanilla game. Also, doing it this way, by editing the vanilla "pak000.pk4" file, you can have this "non-evaporating" demon effect work with multiple mods.

But yeah, I'm still in the process of learning how to make custom pak files/mods for Doom 3.

Thank you for stopping by and having a look at this guide.

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LocustQ - - 488 comments

Good luck! I hope this guide fine for Doom 3 on Oculus Quest

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ParallaxTiger Author
ParallaxTiger - - 143 comments

It should be since you're only just changing the demon bodies to not evaporate and since this method does not use mods to achieve this effect and since the vanilla game already has "non-evaporating" demons programmed into its code. All you're doing is unlocking it. So it should work for D3 VR on Quest.

At least, I think it should work

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LocustQ - - 488 comments

Should work, but the question is: if the Quest handle this after 15min of game :)


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ParallaxTiger Author
ParallaxTiger - - 143 comments

Best of luck. I hope it works for you

Reply Good karma+1 vote
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