Post tutorial RSS Alternative engine-only compiling on linux mint 19

How to compile the engine-only, with proper support, using the included scripts.

Posted by on - Intermediate Server Side Coding

-Generating Xonotic Binaries Linux Mint 19-

Copy blu-ray files and game disc files to computer
You must compile and install d0_blind_id, libgmp, and SDL1.2-dev locally on machine
This process must be separate from the ./all script routine
You can get the packages online if they don't work off the discs
On the blu-ray, /xonotic-concrete/:
Make sure you can compile the engine separate from all else
Take note of the install location of SDL1.2-dev package
Edit any .c files in darkplaces that have _sdl.c as the name
Replace the reference for (SDL.h) with (directory path to SDL install/SDL.h)
You must use the SDL1.2-dev directory because modern systems will have SDL2
installed by default, and that package is incompatible with the engine
Take the ./all script, and the config files for it in /xonotic/misc/tools/all/
You must go through config.subr, git.subr, release.subr, and xonotic.subr
and delete any mention of fteqcc, gmqcc, and any other aspect that fails
during compilation, making sure the edits are syntactically correct
Take note of the file structure in /xonotic/misc/builddeps/dp.linux64/
Take the comparable files installed locally for d0_blind_id & libgmp and copy
them over to the appropriate locations in /dp.linux64/
Run ./all compile -r
Everything should compile for the 3 bin's
Compilation will fail afterwards, but doesn't matter
In /xonotic/darkplaces/, copy the 3 compiled bin's
Paste the binaries in /XonoticChaosEsqueAnthology/
Execute with ./bin-name -xonotic

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