Post news Report RSS Zone: Weekly Wrap Up #4

Another short week, shorter than last week, but that means we are working harder to bring you something you'll like and we are happy with. Enjoy your lighter than normal read and comment on what you think.

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Kicking this thing off!

Time to launch another weekly wrap up, and to cover less important news this week as we have been hard at work on Islands and Glacial (our first two maps in progress) and I can say that from what I have had on my PC to play with so far Glacial is a sweet map indeed. To continue we are looking at having 3 maps shown off by the end of the year starting with Glacial. These maps will first be toured by their level designer and we may show gameplay to the end of this year on maps (it could be early next year depending on how stable our pre-alpha build is).

Concept Work

Rumour time!

Lets add some rumours to this weeks news shall we to compensate for the lack of "official news", I may have tweeted this on Twitter recently, take it with a grain of salt or as an announcement but we aren't saying anything yet (or showing) to confirm your thoughts. Some other rumours that we have heard of is space combat and ground combat together (related to last weeks wrap up), once again we aren't saying anything yet but this time it was your words and not ours. We should state sometimes we tweet ideas that may or may not be things we put into Zone. We cannot confirm nor deny anything at this time (I just wanted to use it, again).

Underground Interior Concept

Over and out

This news has slipped to a shorter pace than the last few posts, this is mainly because we are to busy to make major announcements (yet) that and we have a schedule to tell you what and when. But I didn't want to leave you in the dark for a week. Until next time - J45PER

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