Post news RSS ZE Mod Development Resumed

Since the developer of ZE Mod (spAce) is currently busy working on things like infinity online, and such, he has given ZE Mod Development to me, General BlackDragon. When I get some time, I will post a patch to fix all the current bugs, and eventually when I get the XSI's from spAce, I can make

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Since the developer of ZE Mod (spAce) is currently busy working on things like infinity online, and such, he has given ZE Mod Development to me, General BlackDragon.

When I get some time, I will post a patch to fix all the current bugs, and eventually when I get the XSI's from spAce, I can make a 1.3 version of the mod.

BloodWolf642 - - 24 comments

hey when is this mod going to be out or is it out i've been looking if anyone has info about it i would love to see it

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