Post news RSS Work fires up!

For many of you, summer is coming to an end – we hope you have enjoyed the heat waves seen across many parts of the globe over the last few months, at great disappointment to others. For us however, the majority of the TA team are back from holiday and in 5th gear producing some stunning work... see below for more details!

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Dear Community,

For many of you, summer is coming to an end – we hope you have enjoyed the heat waves seen across many parts of the globe over the last few months, at great disappointment to others. For us however, the majority of the TA team are back from holiday and in 5th gear producing some stunning work.

Our character team have modeled all 4 base models to a very high standard and commenced skinning them within the last couple of days, and already we’re seeing draw-dropping material. We hope to show you updates of these in the near future.

In other areas of the team our lead programmer Craig (aka Boffin) has been working on our backend system putting together a master server system with Kristian (TOP-Proto) which will serve many functions… dare I say it, stats and auth system (points people to the media concepts from kyo)! Frank (aka MacFrog) has implemented a web-base user and server registration system so registration, which will link up to our in-game database... this is really starting to look more and more like a game than you can imagine!

If that isn't enough, those familiar with the UDK updates will know scaleform was introduced some beta's ago, allowing a developer to implement flash menus in-game, giving endless possibilities for styles, animations, effects and so on… It should be worth noting, the TA team has already begun transforming Sven’s (kyo) excellent concepts and bringing them to life in-game, slowly but surely. Thanks to Gus (Sinister Syxx) and Proto who have both worked minimum 8hours a day for the last week learning the workflow and the tedious job involved to getting this looking purrrrrrfect!

A lot of work is going on else where in camp – but we’ll save those for another day.

We would like to take this opportunity to welcome our latest 2 members, Matt (Mjl86) a level designer and Jason (midwinterdreams) an environment modeler and artist – both now on our staff page.

Psstt.. what the heck, it wouldn't be news if we didn't show you some pictures right?!

Environment Models

Designed & Modeled by pAldred

Trash Can
Trash Can

Fire Extinguisher
Fire Extinguisher

Fire Hose Box
Fire Hose Box

As a little extra, here are some teaser pictures for what our swat and male characters will have as accessories, two of many items ;)

Character Accessory Models

Designed & Modeled by maddy & striker

Swat female & male Radio
Swat female & male Radio

Designed & Modeled by DreamNT

Merc female & male M9 Bayonet
Merc female & male M9 Bayonet

Thanks for reading and please continue to show your support and have patience in our project.


Your TA Team

OnlySolus - - 732 comments

2 more weeks of vacation :)

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{SOTW}LoneWolf - - 121 comments

Keep up the good work, I used to play Tactical Ops : Assault On Terror all the time with my brother as a kid. Hopefully you can finish this before his deployment is over and we can play it together again.

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Mkilbride - - 2,785 comments

Realism seen by COD4? In CS? What?

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a2ny Author
a2ny - - 265 comments

what part dont you understand? or is not clear? Or you understand but just do not believe? Please elaborate

Reply Good karma+1 vote
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