Post news RSS What’s New? #2

Let's talk about what I'm working on. Yes, again! :D

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Some time has passed since the last "What's New?"… But that's how it is when so many important things happen! Nevertheless, it is a good time to shed some light on what I have been working on over the past months. Flooded is growing all the time!

Firstly, there will be a stats menu in the game. It will allow you to check some more and less important numbers from your playthroughs - including the number of constructed buildings, destroyed pirate ships, defeated bosses, chests opened, etc.


There will also be an option to change the binding of the keys, which you have asked about a lot. Considering the nature of the game, this may be useful, so thank you for your feedback and I will look into your other suggestions as well!

That’s not all
I also have to mention the terrain flattening feature which makes the view of the island much clearer - I wrote more about it on social media, so I strongly encourage you to check out this post! However, I didn't say that I added epilogue dialogue, so… You are the first to hear about it!


Last but not least, I was working on indestructible boulders. Obstacles have always had some positive effects (for example, destroying them could drop cool items), so they had to be made a bit less pleasant. The boulder will take up space, and you will not be able to remove it (evil laugh).

As you can see, a lot is happening! And thanks a lot, because you keep tossing me phenomenal ideas I want to add to the game. You’re the best!

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