I am going to reveal exactly what is going to be in GaW 2.0 Officially.
I will state this for the record, that if one of these features DO NOT appear then something went ABSOLUTELY HORRIBLY wrong with my planning and something ate up my time ad I was unable to complete it fully to my satisfaction.
-Fully functional AI with both Skirmish and galactic Conquest.
-A single Galactic Conquest Campaign called "Galaxies at War" with every faction fighting at once.
-An added Stargate faction (GC Compatible)
-A few new units on SOME of the factions
-Bug fixes.
Yes, I am adding Stargate to GaW. Once I get a few technicalities out of the way I will begin adding in all the files into the game. However, The Flood is still WIP because I have been unable to find them time to finish them and they simply were not THAT important.
I have read all of the suggestions and I saw a LOT of good ideas. A lot of these ideas had to do with GC super weapons. Now...I am on thin ice when it comes to how GC works, as I have completely redone EVERYTHING from the ground up. I have had to re-write and re-code practically EVERYTHING so there are still some bugs with super weapons in GC. As such, as I have set a release date (and a time released beta date) I am forced to leave Super weapons on the "possibly" in super weapons MIGHT appear in 2.0. What does this mean exactly? Either EVERY faction will have a super weapon or none of them will. This is totally dependent on if I can get everything done before my planned release date (and not so much the timed released beta).
If it comes to pass that I cannot get super weapons working 100% for 2.0, there WILL be a hot patch shortly after to bring them back into GC.
Now...there is one thing that I have been saying...Land was reserved for the 3.0 release.
I have had to go back on this...and I am now forced to include a really mock version of land in 2.0 if only to have the AI work correctly. What does this mean exactly? Basically...The Federation, The Borg, Halo, and Stargate will all use Rebel technology for land based combat. I had no choice in this matter because by removing land and having a space-only GC...the AI did nothing. They never attacked, and they never moved. believe me, I spent a good 5 days non-stop working on the AI and the scripts and the equations to try and make them bypass ground logic but that ended up being time wasted, as nothing good came from it. So there will be ground combat, just very basic ground combat. final thing. If anyone had issues getting 1.0 not worry about 2.0. 2.0 will be packed into an auto-installer so the game will install itself for you.
I have also done a bit of re-balancing...nothing too extreme...just a few cost and time adjustments.
Other then this...that's it. That is all you need to know (for now) about 2.0
mmmm auto-installer. And that leads to the next question. Will everyone have to re-install all of the mod, or will it be like a patch, or both? Because I know it took an hour to download GaW. I wouldn't want to do it again, if I don't have to. And I'm confident I don't speak alone.
so ummm ... when is this 2.0 being released
That is the million dollar question.
All I can say for now is...when it's ready. There are still some nitpicks to fix.
The beta was released like a month ago.
Take your time... keep us in suspense a little
i hope that they put the mod in a file i can download
So What planet does Stargate get for their homeworld? Im thinking the Alpha Site? :)