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The site is back at last. Unfortunately, the transfer over to a new server didn't go as smoothly as I had planned. That was entirely my fault, and for that I apologize to our community. I feel we owe an explanation as to our relative quietness over the past month or two in addition to what Scott

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The site is back at last. Unfortunately, the transfer over to a new server didn't go as smoothly as I had planned. That was entirely my fault, and for that I apologize to our community. I feel we owe an explanation as to our relative quietness over the past month or two in addition to what Scott said in our last news post, so here it goes.

Things have been hectic for a majority of our team as of late. Between new full time jobs, marriages, other projects, and college work...many of us aren't left with as much time as we hoped we would when we started such an ambitious project. As such, things have been a bit slow for Shattered Faith as of late. A lot of us have been so wrapped up in real life that our time has been extremely limited. Fear not, though. This doesn't mean that we're closing down shop. Things may stay slow around here for a while longer, but it hasn't died out.

To start off on the good news, V has at last released his amazing diploma work in the form of the fully completed Stinger and Assail Grunt, both classes of the invader team. In this video, you'll see both fully animated with sounds, and I guarantee you wont be disappointed. I'm still wow'ed every time I see the grunt.

Tech Demo Links:

I'd like to take the time to shamelessly plug NoiseKraft and the Sonic Valley team, the astounding sound team that put together the music and effects for V's tech demo. Amazing work. Be sure to check out their site at .

Leedeth - - 476 comments

Wow! Incredible...

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grudgE. - - 102 comments

That video was awesome!
Love the last model! Really sweet skins and animations!

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TKAzA - - 3,154 comments

The sound was the best part imo

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gama1 - - 10 comments

I have a question, I am starting to learn how to model and map, so what is the red and blue colored map used for?

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ProlificTeam Author
ProlificTeam - - 19 comments

the red and blue coloured map is a Normal map. This handles Depth data Taken from a High polygone model (to which there are actual depth, e.g. bumps on the skins etc) and then it applies this date to the Colour texutre, And reacts with the lighting engine (casting shadows in various directions dependant on the lgiht source, Thus creating the illusion of a Much higher polygon model than is actually used, giving the impression of high detail.

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gama1 - - 10 comments

oh so if I understand correctly, you make a high polygon model, get the map, then apply it to a lower polygon model to give the illusion of a higher polygon model? If so thats pretty cool. Oh and I forgot to mention before, Great job so far guys! This mod has great potential!

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