Post news RSS Welcome to potential Staffers

Just like to quickly announce that we have chosen 3 people out of the 200+ that applied for the new Staff as a Feature Writer. , and are the guys! So please make them feel welcomed over in This Thread. Also in other moddb news, you may have noticed that the mod count has dropped a considerable ammount.

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Just like to quickly announce that we have chosen 3 people out of the 200+ that applied for the new Staff as a Feature Writer. Steelwind, e-labs.ecion and San-J are the guys! So please make them feel welcomed over in This Thread.

Also in other moddb news, you may have noticed that the mod count has dropped a considerable ammount. This is because we have been going through and archiving dead and old mods that don't get updated anymore. If your mod has been archived and you would like it back, then pm me.

INtense! Staff
INtense! - - 4,100 comments

welcome guys! Great to have you on board, this point marks a significant change for the mod database as you can expect to see a couple of features monthly, a cleaner more organised and pro site :)

Reply Good karma+2 votes
negativezr0 - - 15 comments

Woohoo STEEL!

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
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