To get straight to the point, IGN made a video here, which is neat, but it broke the servers hosting the launcher. If you're having problems at the "Calculating Differences" stage, or you randomly get stuck downloading along the way, it's because the game is a tad too popular for its own good. We'll be trying to keep it up as best we can, but we can't make any promises.
This is awesome because HOLY SHIT IGN MADE A VIDEO ABOUT US, but it's not without its problems. The site overloading is one, and the fact that all of this publicity just increases the chances that Nintendo will shut us down is another. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't scared right now, but we'll see how things go.
In the mean time, to ease up on our host's shoulders, we'll be spreading the release of updates to once per month, on the first Friday of each month. It sucks, I know, but it's just something we have to do - we can't afford to pay the necessary plan required in order to keep updates releasing every two weeks, so this is the alternative.
Sorry to break this all to you guys, but we'll be moving forward at the same pace, and we'll try to keep you guys more in the loop for the longer waits. Take care, Xatoku out.
why dont you put the game on piratebay or any other p2p site to take the load off???
stop marking this as spam... piratebay not equal to piracy.. and besides the game is free
What if you just change the name to Pekomon, change the textures a bit and names of the pokemon? I doubt nintendo could do anything about it.
Just viewed the video. Too bad though that you will move back to once a month, but I liked the leaps of development you did then so I won't be worried about that. Just hope Nintendo does not sue you guys.
they have been decent the last year or so with mmos of pokemon. although they did shut them all down in 2011. hopefully nintendo will not sue, but hire the staff who are working on this game and create a pokemon 3d game
Instead of firing these guys they should hire them
The fact that ign made a video on your game is huge thing.
I hope that nintendo understands how much strenght and effort you invested in the game and decides to follow the voice of fans who clearly want this kind of game.
I wish you a good luck :)
Yeah, hope they do it just like riot with the league of fighters... as long it remains free it is accepted :)
Nintendo will have no choice *but* to take legal action once they learn of it. They're legally obligated under trademark law to do so; if they don't take action for this, they won't have justification to take action against something else at a later date too.
Basically, if they don't do something in response to this, they *will* lose their trademark under the law.
Well,I can just say that the one who invented trademark law was only thinking about his own benefit.It's stupid that people cant do pokemons just because nintedo has the rights to do it.And actually doing crappy work.Money corupts everyone and we cant do anything...
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Well you guys had a good run. :P
You're funny.
I hope it doesnt turn into reality cuz we wont be laughing :)
It's funny how nintendo didnt come up with this idea after soo many lame pokemon games :D
Well I just don't see any other way out of it. They're bound to notice eventually. The only option I see is they choose to "openly ignore" you. I definitely don't see them backing your project financially like some naives are suggesting, they would just "steal" your concept if they had an interest. But it all comes down to legal issues. I think they have an obligation to protect their copyright. The only hope you can foster is Pokemon MMO and wonder why those guys aren't shut down yet.
well,idk about that mmo but ign noticed this game so.
It seems like the game presents great potential for new kind of pokemon game.
A yea lol totaly agree with you on "steal"thing :)
They dont have an obligation.It's probably like this:if they let you do it then others can too.
Only those project that are completly copying their games get shut down.
But if your game gets too far I am afraid they will do something.
1.There is very few cartoon/anime games for pc soo people will go all crazy about it.
2.Pokemons is their thing,no other console is doing pokemon games.
They technically -do- have an obligation
Part of copyright law dictates that if a copyright holder knowingly allows someone else to use their intellectual property without their consent, they can lose any and all rights to said intellectual property.
Nintendo -has- to stop this if they are made aware of it.
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well nentendo could allways consider hireing these pepole or even buying them out might serve to help them in the future but mabey thats just wishful thinking
I am not saying xatoku and the rest arent good for nintendo,but I am sure the ones making current game have better modeler,coder...the only thing they lack is idea for a pokemon game which is what xatoku has.
The only option I see it they taking his ideas over and making new game.The best option for xatoku game would be that nintendo ignores them.
out of all the fan hacks that are being sold, i doubt that they would decide to shut you down.
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Can the update be bigger now?
He said "we'll be moving forward at the same pace," so I imagine they will be. Just not as frequent.
The development will go on but stuff wont be shown in public as frequent as it was till now.
Btw to xatoku,will we know the date of next update or we will just have to wait?
My guess it is as he said, first friday of the month.
oh,good job.
I missed that part :D
No problem :)
i would hate nitendo if they do that
nintendo must help them,not threaten
This looks so freaking fun! i have been waiting for an game like this, I really hope that Nintendo sees the opportunities in this game and instead of suing (if they will) finance or help you guys to make this game even better! anyway i hope you developer's all luck and im pumped about this game!
Curse you IGN!!!!But at the same time Thank You!!!!
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ok so how to download the game omg omg omg omg
1 Update per month means more features each update....So not entirely bummed. I just really hope nintendo leaves you people alone. You have a great thing going on here.
I really hope they dont shut you guys down
se a nintendo processar vcs, ela verá oqur é ter inimigos!
I hope they don't. What I hope happens is they follow the development of this and make their own version of it. I saw the IGN video, if they see that I hope they go "Hey. That's a good idea. Let's do that."
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Okay I'm not a specialist but I see in the comments why is pokemon mmo not shutdown and this would? I don't think it happens. Just like with game mods, as long as you don't make money you are completely free to do so. I'm not sure about this and correct me if I'm wrong but I always thought that you can only be sued for using Pokemon if you make money with it. And where this guys don't make money with it I don't think Nintendo will be a big problem.
Thats exactly what I was thinking, btw there was an MMO that got shut down equivalent to the one your talking about but thats because the guy was making money off of it
As long as what is used is copyrighted then it is an infringement, if one makes money off of it then that infringement is just larger.
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UGGHK ok first of all OBVIOUSLY Nintendo probably thought of a game like this as every fan wanted this from the beginning, but they just never followed through with it and it could be for several reasons as first off they always chose to make their own consoles and their own games for that consoles, they are lazy as way long ago they released pokesnap instead of something like this, they stick to what sells, but who knows hopefully a brick will hit em in the head and theyll finally do something like this.
Secondly, Nintendo wont SUE these guys so stop stressing them out even more then they already are. They can only sue if they actually plan to make money off it which they dont, but they can run into being shutdown for copyright reasons. And if they really wanted to keep this running they could just tweak the names of the pokemon and slant it towards a "PARODY VERSION" of the game that way they will be legally protected.
And lastly the IGN guys are idiots... i mean its great you got a review from them and possibly more exposure but at the same time through out the video they keep stating its extremely illegal, so they clearly know if Nintendo finds out its a 50/50 chance of either being ignored or shutdown so they could have not reviewed it yet they went ahead. I mean its mixed feelings IGN REVIEWED YOU GUYS! MORE EXPOSURE!....but at the same time :$ *fingers crossed*
Nintendo shouldnt recognize anytime soon though they're too busy with the new pokemon and also trying to sell more units of the WiiU, that should keep em busy till at least half way of next year ;)
and if anything these guys could rename it to Fakemons or something along the lines of that, go to deviantart , get the artist for some good fakemons involved and get their permission to use their art and characters and voila! a whole new game they could prob make money off of
oi,thats a long text to read :D
I was thinking the exact same thing. The whole time I was watching the IGN video I'm just saying to myself, "Shut the F*** up!". I mean, they could have just made a regular video and said, "Hey, good job." Adding, "This is extremely illegal." in every F****** sentence really wasn't necessary. Just a bunch of idiots. If they thought reviewing an "Illegal" game was unethical, I'm guessing they weren't thinking of how totally unprofessional and idiotic they sounded.
Anyway, thanks for this post, I'm sure it eased a lot of nervous teens and young adults, as it did myself.
I can guess ign sided with nintendo.
My conspiracy theory :)
I am pretty sure that a girl name Zoey from the yogcast, Also made an review on the game.
For anyone interested in zoey review :
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Completely incorrect. Nintendo is legally obligated to sue under trademark law - if they don't take action, they will lose their trademark. Plain and simple.
I think you are wrong.If something is mine.I can do anything with it and if I let someone use it doesnt mean I need to let other use it too.It's up to them.Trademark is only there to protect them from others stealing their work and ideas and sell them as their own.You are talking nonsences...