Post news RSS Version 3.17 released

Zoomable map view. Levels of effort and physical requirements for performing tasks. Fords and wading in shallow waters. And a lot of minor additions, balancing and issues fixed.

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Major new features:

Levels of effort and physical condition requirements for different tasks

Fatigue and wounds are now taken into account when checking the ability to perform different tasks. This also involves fighting - using two-handed weapon isn't possible if you get your other arm badly wounded.

Here are some examples of newly adjusted effort levels and physical condition requirements for certain tasks:

  • treshing: when done with a flail, stance and both arms are required, hard effort. Otherwise one good hand is required, light effort.
  • preparing soil: Both arms and stance required, heavy effort.
  • building a fire: Both hands required, light effort. One-armed possiblity in case of emergency

Zoomable map view

You can now zoom out map to view larger area.

Version 3.17 screenshots


Fords, islets and skerries have been added. And it's now possible to wade through shallow water sections.

Version 3.17 screenshots

Pausable tasks

Building and felling trees is now pausable - you can freely select your working hours. There are also levels of effort and physical condition requirements for ordinary tasks. The new "time spent"-box displays the progress and level of effort.

Version 3.17 screenshots

To download:

windows version:
UnReal World RPG v3.17 windows

mac version:
UnReal World RPG v3.17 Mac

linux 64bit version:
UnReal World RPG v3.17 linux

For full changelog see

Full game is free to play. Donations welcome!
more info at

gingervitus999 - - 1 comments

It seems weird with the photographs. Like, I dig Rouge-like but them pictures are giving me the heebee-geebees

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sgmongo - - 53 comments

Let your concerns fall by the wayside. The graphics are admittedly out of date, but the game is loads of fun. If you like survival, rogue-like, and mod support this game offers it in spades. For what it struck out to become, it fills the bill and then some.

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D-27 - - 44 comments

Don't worry about the graphics there is graphical enchantment mod for 3.16 and sooner or later it will come for 3.17. And the gameplay is excellent. Needs some learning, but it worths it.

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erkka Author
erkka - - 32 comments

I admit that I haven't thoroughly checked all the mods our community provides. But I have a feeling that out there we have some decent mods replacing the real-life photos with textures and / or cartoon-style pictures.

Reply Good karma+1 vote
MinikuiOni - - 49 comments

YES! finaly you can pause your progress! nothing is more annoying than building a house and it is interrupted by message that you are hungry! :D

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