Post news RSS Update, Voting and a Raffle

Update regarding the names of the mod and nations, voting on whether or not to change anything, and a raffle.

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Recently, I was contacted by a representative of the actual Kaiserreich Development Team and he kindly asked me to, and I quote: "not use Kaiserreich assets, elements of its lore, or the Kaiserreich name". After reading this, I was personally on a crossroads of sorts; disregard their message and continue using the Kaiserreich name and lord, or change the name and lore and so on. About a day after this message was recieved, I thought to myself, "say, why not let the other people who care about this mod and want to see it put out decide that?", and that is why I am setting up a strawpoll. As a bonus, those who may have voted 'yes, change it' will also be able to give me their ideas on a few different names.

The poll on whether or not to change the names and so on will be found here: Take notice that polling will close after a week.

Regarding those who voted 'yes', please submit alternatives to 'Kaiserreich, Combined Syndicates of America, Commune of France, Union of Britain' in that order in the form of a comment. Also, for the nation names, I will also need you to provide a brief backstory of sorts for that nation. Of course, the Germany winning the First World War part would still remain, so no worries regarding that. Thank you.

Olku_ - - 2,080 comments

I mean you are using their mods name. I recommend complying

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Makhnovshchyna Author
Makhnovshchyna - - 208 comments

Alright, so I have seen a lovely comment that is actually pretty well-done and in which I really enjoy so I'm more inclined to follow kvothekingkiller2's idea. He writes:

"I honestly don't think you would have to change the name of the mod, but IF you think you would run into trouble for copyright, I mean, I like writing alt history anyway, so here it goes:

Call the mod The Kaiser's Reich, or Weltkrieg: anything in German that sounds cool.

Change the CSA to the Union of American Workers, or the Industrial Workers of America.

This is a young, chaotic nation that just emerged from a brutal civil war which was started during a Great Depression that never got better. America has a lot of industrial potential, but is weakened by internal conflict and poverty due to a lack of strong leadership within its mostly anarchist, trade unionist-led government.

Change the Commune of France to the French Commune, or Revolutionary France. Keep it as the home of the revolution and the leader of the International. (Just call it the International). After losing the First World War, France saw a brief civil war between nationalist fascists and a coalition of revolutionary socialists. The revolutionary socialists won, and now France is ruled by a mix of Marxists, De Leonists, and Anarchists. Of all the revolutionary socialist states, it is the strongest, ready to export the revolution to other countries around the world.

The Union of Britain changes to the People's Republic of Britain, and its revolution was more of a coup against the ineffective King and the aristocracy, who couldn't provide for the people, and who the military overthrew. I can see this going one of two ways: Either being a Marxist-Leninist style centralized socialist state, OR: (And I think this would provide more balance to the game), An actual reactionary fascist dictatorship under the rule of Oswald Mosley, vowing to both get revenge on Germany and wipe out the states of the International.
In the case of Mosley, you could call it the British State."

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Makhnovshchyna Author
Makhnovshchyna - - 208 comments

Or just have Britain entirely engulfed in civil war, similar to Italy.

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Makhnovshchyna Author
Makhnovshchyna - - 208 comments

Alright so I've made my own lore thing concerning Britain:

Britain is stuck in this huge civil war fought between the British State lead by Oswald Mosley, the Irish Volunteers lead by Roddy Connolly (James Connolly's own son), the All-Welsh Army lead by Gwynfor Evans, the United Kingdom lead by Neville Chamberlain, and lastly, the Anglican Radicals lead by Reverend Guthrie Michael Scott

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mr_scroundel - - 512 comments

Shouldn't the royalty lead the United Kingdom faction, like George V or invented claimant to the throne?

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Makhnovshchyna Author
Makhnovshchyna - - 208 comments

Actually, that's a better idea. Alright.

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Notorious_Boris - - 81 comments

Its sad to see you had to change the name, but atleass there wont be any issues

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Gerfand - - 212 comments

You could try to speak to them about this, I mean, you are a Fan of this Alt-Reality, use an Alternative name, and most importantly LORE, for now, but if they allow you to use it, yes use it.

The thing is, the Word "KaiserReich" is not trademarket, so you can use it, "Kaiserreich: Legacy of the Weltkrieg", in other hand is, so you cannot use it...
Unless if given permtition, I think you cannot use the Lore either, as that would fall into "intelectual property"

IF, they still want to give you the ability to use the Lore, you can make a good Lore by yourself... and some help by some ppl...

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