Post news RSS Update 25/08/2010

this is an update on whats been happening..........

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For those who haven't checked the video section, there are two new videos. The first one is a video showing offf the new Hyperspace window effect.

The Second one is the new scaling, shown off from inside the map editor. As such some of the SG units have either no shin, or odd looking, with the petro logo skin. My computer was at its limit in this video so its a bit laggy.

-Vulture Driod - 4m
-V19 - 6m
-Death Glider - 7m
-Repli-fighter - 7m
-Tie Bomber - 7m
-Jedi Fighter - 8m
-Viper Mk2 - 8m
-Sicon - 8m
-Type 9 - 9m
-New Cylon Raider - 9m
-Raptor - 9m
-Starfury - 10m
-Zipfly - 10m
-Wasp - 10m
-Interceptor Fighter - 10m
-Tie Interceptor - 10m
-Viper Mk7 - 10m
-F-302 - 11m
-Blackbird - 12m
-X-Wing - 12.5m
-Piranha - 13m
-Old Cylon Raider - 13m
-Tac Fighter - 15m
-Dragonfly - 15m
-Y-Wing - 16m
-Type 11 - 16m
-Arrow - 18m
-StarViper - 20m
-Puddle Jumper - 20m
-Heavy raider - 20m
-Bug Assasin - 20m
-Ratooth - 20m
-Sentri Interceptor - 22m
-Minbari Fighter - 22m
-Danube - 23m
-Aero Shuttle - 24m
-Sentri Bomber - 25m
-Foxbat - 25m
-Ghost - 25m
-Dart - 25m
-Millennium Falcon - 27m
-Bearcat - 27m
-Serpah - 30m
-Bearcat Mk2 - 30m
-Excalibur - 32m
-Alkesh - 35m
-Black Widow - 35m
-Minbari Bomber - 40m
-Longsword - 65m
-BOP - 100m
-Midway Space Station - 100m
-Drakh Raider - 100m
-Defiant - 120m
-Corellian Corvette - 150m
-Neptune Corvette - 200m
-Prometheus - 200m
-Crusader Gunship - 200m
-Murphy - 200m
-NX-01 - 230m
-Maranda - 240m
-Constitution - 290m
-Firestar - 300m
-BC-304 - 300m
-Midway Destroyer - 300m
-Reaper - 300m
-Nebulon B Frigate - 300m
-Pelican - 300m
-Intrepid - 350m
-Fire bird ( Drazi ) - 350m
-Darkling - 400m
-Cylon Stealth Max Class - 400m
-Klingon L19 - 400m
-Concom - 400m
-Ralarrad - 450m
-Excelsior Lakota - 460m
-Nebula - 460m
-Cardassian Keldon - 480m
-Andraste - 480m
-Frigate - 480m
-Repli-Spider - 500m
-Broadside Class Cruiser -500m
-Tiger - 500m
-Scoproin - 500m
-Horned Devil - 500m
-Methuselah - 500m
-Waterloo - 500m
-Fralthi Cruiser - 550m
-MC30 Frigate - 580m
-Wraith Cruiser - 600m
-Interdictor Cruiser -600m
-Tantarus - 600m
-Alaska Heavycruiser - 600m
-Julgal Nar (prince) - 600m
-Zhu Feng - 600m
-Centouri Vorchan Attack Cruiser - 600m
-Destiny - 600m
-Galaxy - 640m
-Dominion Destroyer - 650m
-Negh var (C9) - 680m
-Sovereign - 680m
-Hatak - 700m
-Talos - 700m
-Asgard Beliskner - 700m
-Alliance Assault Frigate - 700m
-Shaalkhar - 700m
-Bengal - 700m
-Blisterwing - 700m
-Acclamator Assault Ship - 750m
-Defender - 750m
-Hades - 780m
-Oniell - 800m
-Carter - 800m
-Minbari Frigate - 870m
-Repli-Capital - 900m
-Victory Destroyer - 900m
-Blackcorsair - 900m
-Thrak Hath (commander) - 1km
-Ori Warship - 1km
-Aurora - 1km
-Apophis - 1km
-Geneva - 1km
-Athena - 1km
-Hyperion - 1km
-Avioki Class Cruiser - 1km
-Shiloh - 1km
-Confederation - 1km
-Enterprise - 1km
-Aspire - 1km
-Covenant Frigate - 1km
-Kedalbe Battleship - 1km
-Venator - 1.2km
-Deathshead - 1.2km
-Valkyrie - 1.2km
-Plunkett - 1.2km
-T.C.S Plunkett - 1.2km
-Marathon - 1.2km
-Calamari Cruiser - 1.2km
-Domian Capital Ship - 1.2km
-Bezerk - 1.3km
-Vorlon capital ship - 1.3km
-G'Quan - 1.4km
-Romulan Warbird - 1.4km
-Anubis - 1.5km
-Excalibur - 1.5km
-Borg Tact Cube - 1.5km
-Columbia - 1.5km
-Seraphin - 1.5km
-The_Galactica - 1.5km
-Star Battleship - 1.5km
-Command Bug - 1.5km
-Ryuho - 1.5km
-Python - 1.5km
-Nova class - 1.5km
-Shadow Battle crab - 1.5km
-Minbari War Cruiser - 1.6km
-Vesuvius - 1.6km
-Star Destroyer - 1.6km
-Hades MK1 - 1.7km
-Mercury_Class - 1.7km
-Omega X - 1.7km
-Omega Class - 1.7km
-CCS-class Battlecruiser - 1.8km
-CCS-class Carrier - 1.8km
-Midway - 1.8km
-Attackstar - 2km
-New_Basestar - 2km
-Forerunner Dreadnought - 2km
-Saratoga - 2km
-Warlock - 2km
-Third space - 2km
-Pheonix - 2.5km
-Wraith Hive - 3km
-Trade Federation Battleship - 3km
-Excalibour - 3km
-Home One - 3.5km
-Kilrathi Dreadnought - 5km
-Drakh Carrier - 5km
-Covenant Assault Carrier (larger covey ship)- 5.4km
-Super Stardestroyer - 19km

Ok, thats the whole list... anone insnae enough to count them all 4 me? lol
Now not every ship is scaled 100% to that size, theyre close, but not perfect.

I've also added the starbases for B5, Wing Commander and Halo.
So now u know what ive been up to, enjoy...

Rebelmoon - - 510 comments

Got to give you a round of applause, Mate, as adding all these factions and then getting everything to jive so well is a massive undertaking. You're pulling it off very well!

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1234boo75 - - 108 comments

179 ships
3586 letters ( with spaces)
and 646 reconigsed seprote words

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Spinobreaker Author
Spinobreaker - - 5,876 comments


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LucianoStarKiller - - 2,399 comments


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1234boo75 - - 108 comments

word count lol dose lines as well as each ship is on a line it equales that

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Spinobreaker Author
Spinobreaker - - 5,876 comments

i know, but thats so cheating :p

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Loganw1 - - 406 comments

Home One was not that ridiculously big; Wookieepedia states it as 1.3 km (info cited as being from the Official Star Wars Fact File.) Also, I'm pretty sure the Miranda class is spelled with an i, not an a, after the M.

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Spinobreaker Author
Spinobreaker - - 5,876 comments

DW in the scaling its actually rather small (probably closer to the 2km mark) aaaannnnddddd.... spelling smelling...

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DreadKing - - 68 comments

i love the fact that wraith hive is a small bug compared to the SSD

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