The Content is a brief description of who,where, and when
Title-The Great Game
Place- Deep in the Warp
Time-Past, Present, and Future (Warp Time)
Factions- Khorne (World Eaters), Tzeentch (Thousand Sons),Nurgle (Death Guard), and Slaanesh (Emperor's Children)
Description- The Chaos Gods are warring, their chosen legions are preparing for war for the favor of their dark gods, Lords of the four gods and Champions of savage and cunning come. The gods promise them eternal war and a prize no mortal not even the Chaos Space Marines would resist. Win and become a legend, Die and be sacrificed to your god. The table is set, the pawns are in play, the webs of fate are made which legion will you choose.
Planned Gamming- Using a unique concept of using multiplayer data for campiagn.Every month or week collect data from games in multiplayer and see who has won and use it in campaign missions,objectives, etc.
Improvements also- Modify the marks Chaos uses, add in new units ex.(Raptor, Rubric Marine, daemonette, and etc.), and add in unique weapons,armor, and etc. for campaign and modify/add/or remove certain Multiplayer Wargear.
No one wants to help
Dont be a prick kid
Not being a prick im ok with no one saying anything its just suprising is all and please dont think im being rude or snobish im not trying to act or give off that impression or feeling.
Ok well back to original topic I will be posting some more stuff over time for the planned mod