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Just some feedback so I don't have to keep answering the same questions over and over again.

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Hello everyone, I'm glad to see that despite some kinks here and there my modification has been released.

Having said that, I'd like to get some things out in the open so that there are no misconceptions as I am quite frankly exhausted from answering the same questions over and over again.

In relation to Installing/Downloading:

I cannot fix the servers. If you can't download it, I'm sorry.

The "TEMP" error is out of my control.
This will gradually become less of an issue as content will be gradually replaced with content that is better on the players framerate, etc. This should diminish this issue.

It's "-mod EuropeanTheater1944 -dev", guys.
Please don't make me explain that anymore, there is a notepad file within the mod download and I am quite positive that it lists that exact command line. Do not come to me asking why it doesn't work because you haven't read the instructions. :)

In relation to Gameplay:

It's an Alpha.

I cannot stress that point enough. I have people coming to me telling me that this isn't done or that this part of combat is stupid or too fast in their opinion or that infantry have the same range as armour etc etc.

That's because, as I said before, IT IS AN ALPHA VERSION.

Apart from:
Vet Tables
Infantry HP
Infantry Weapons (Damage, RoF, etc.)
Infantry Cost

Everything else is either unfinished or has not been changed since 1.7 whatsoever.

You wanted me to release something, and I did; and all I ask is that you understand that this is 100% Work In Progress!

Although some might find that rude, it is my honest opinion and I won't budge on it. Please do not speak to be about Balance right now, I am only concerned with bugs.

As for the two notable errors, one being a Stug without an lua (Which causes a crash) and the other being a luftwaffe skin which is pink; there will be a fix uploaded sometime this week for that.

Next Version will contain:
Updated Soviet models and skins
Updated models for those which are outdated (An example being the lack of the proper model at the moment)
Reworked Armoured Weaponry & Line of Sight
Removal of massive resources upon selecting "High Resources" as a gamemode

Reworked Artillery. (This includes all units in this classification, ranging from Mortars to 105mms.)

In conclusion, I hope you have enjoyed the current version. Although it's quite obvious that it is unfinished I hope that it at least provided you with the piece of mind that this modification is most certainly alive, and will only continue to get better from here. Patience is a virtue.

PS: A Paypal link will be posted sometime this week.

Post comment Comments
DaReaperZ - - 42 comments

I'd like to point out that infantry should take a bit more damage. I just had a "green devils" squad get completely destroyed in a 1v1 with pathfinders.

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TheSoldier - - 1,241 comments

Agreed. MGs in general, and tanks even moreso, just rip infantry to shreds on the first sight.

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Ivelios - - 142 comments

To quote the current main developer:
"It's WIP. This was for testing, not balancing or playing."

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DaReaperZ - - 42 comments

And we are giving feedback, don't see why you felt the need to quote anything mate ;)

Tanks is the way to go, 120mm mortars are quite sweet though, if covered. Infantry is just too much of a bother. Some of the artillery could in my mind use a small cooldown reduction, might just be me though.

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Ivelios - - 142 comments

Just saying that just about nothing at all is currently as-intended as far as balance goes. The build was successful if you played the game at all and didn't crash :p

But yea, currently there isn't a solid way to kill tanks in general. I literally had a Priest waltz right up to my Pak 40 and mow down the whole crew with the .50cal on top. Then I hit it with a magnetic mine and it did ~10% or so damage.

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JudgeAlfred Author
JudgeAlfred - - 466 comments

First off, Ivelios is my PR Rep. So please show him respect.

The core mechanics are not all finished, only the infantry. So obviously if you touch anything that isn't infantry it might be borked or unbalanced. Because it isn't as I haven't even touched it yet.

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DaReaperZ - - 42 comments

Okay. I still feel as if the infantry kill eachother too fast. It's very hard to get a squad back alive once you notice they are getting attacked unless you have them in heavy cover. That's just my opinion, infantry could use some more "lengthy" battles.


I played a bit, crashed sometimes, but not too often :). I understand, as long as it works fairly well without crashes the balance will come later. I'll post more about things I find strange in general.

Priests machine gun seems really strong, wipes most infantry it seems. But yeah, tanks haven't been touched.

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DaReaperZ - - 42 comments

Oh and yeah, the extremely small 7.5mm infanterie gun should have it's movement speed increased, it's so very very slow now :P

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DaReaperZ - - 42 comments

Also, it's if you choose the Waffen SS/Luftwaffe team, then go for luftwaffe, then choose the button to the right with.. fallschirmjägers then after that choose the one with a stug on the picture you get the devious "free" stugs, don't build those, those are the ones making the game crash.

Overall, I feel as if the infantry based lines, like the luftwaffe one with luftlande division and fallschirmjägers, have become too hard and ineffective, you will have to be extremely quick to be able to save your squad once you see the "infantry under attack" sign to the left.

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Warblood - - 110 comments

Could you report bugs at ?

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Woozle - - 2,620 comments

Can we get an infantry only mode?

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JudgeAlfred Author
JudgeAlfred - - 466 comments

No, sorry. Simply too much extra effort.

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DaReaperZ - - 42 comments

You can ask a friend if he wants to play infantry only :P or just restart with AI until he decides to play infantry based.

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Guest - - 700,077 comments

Hey, I have read "it is a ALPHA" and understood :D BUT, could you please give your mod a pop cap like 150 and 250. I love to play against AI, but after some time it is insane how many units are on the map and it laggs as hell.

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Ivelios - - 142 comments

I highly doubt that a lower popcap feature will be added. The entire point of this modification is a high focus on realism; you are using an entire division, not one or two platoons as with regular CoH. Well... you would be, except a division is actually about ~ 10,000 troops (depending on the military in question). That many men just... wouldn't work on the CoH1 engine.

The current system for population is about the best one we can use to simulate the level of realism we're going for.

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badger1345555094 - - 13 comments

Is there a chance that the camera would be able to zoom out more (like BK?)

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Ivelios - - 142 comments

The camera zoom will probably be set a good distance further out - so yes, more like BK's camera. It's not exactly on the top of the priority list though.

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badger1345555094 - - 13 comments

nice. thanks for answering

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muratozcan94 - - 116 comments

Isn't high time to give us some epic scenarios? :D Meanwhile,I have a problem with Soviet soldiers. They are all messed up,I saw the solution,but I can't find it now. Can you tell me the solution?

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Ivelios - - 142 comments

I can't help unless you give more information. "They are all messed up" is extremely vague; I haven't the slightest clue what your issue is, let alone how to solve it.

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muratozcan94 - - 116 comments

There were flashing and moving rays randomly on the screen. And when I zoomed in soviet soldiers,there were no hat,helmet etc. on their head.

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Ivelios - - 142 comments

The lack of equipment on your soldiers (guns disappearing, hats, helmets etc.) is due to having your shader set to Ultra. It needs to be lower than that. It seems to work fine on Medium.

The flashing and moving rays is due to an improper installation. It's probably not your fault directly; Now and then the extracting process just sort of lets something slip. Reinstall to fix those issues.

/edit: this is all directed at muratozcan94. Message didn't go where I wanted it to.

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muratozcan94 - - 116 comments

ok,thank you so much. I used your full repack,deleted old european theater folder,and extracted the new folder to Coh directory.Anyway,I will reinstall it.

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Gunner-Surger - - 47 comments

"As for the two notable errors, one being a Stug without an lua (Which causes a crash) and the other being a luftwaffe skin which is pink; there will be a fix uploaded sometime this week for that."

Okay, waiting.

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tylerhope71 - - 17 comments

Can you make the campaign work with this mod pls

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