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Individual units or squads? Which do you want? (COMMENT!!!)

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Well peeps, I have an idea... Anyone played Halo Wars? Good, remember how the units were trained in squads? 5 marines or grunt per squads, two hunters per team, etc? Would you rather have squads, or train units one at a time? or both? (different buttons in commandbar) Also... what about aircraft? We need suggestions! This is a mod where the community can help! So... either you can wait for the Beta :D or you can ask now, and it may make it into the beta....actually the beta is finalized... nothing is going in or coming out, lol

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ken9764 - - 484 comments

make the game like halo wars and yore mod will go great

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mechgt5 Author
mechgt5 - - 307 comments

i cant make it too much like Halo Wars, or we WILL get shut down, I can't use the name Halo Wars obviously...... but you have any suggestions? Since you have actually played Halo Wars.

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connorlawd - - 16 comments

aare you going to have flood then you could have the main gameplay as taking over enmy units and structures with infection forms and combat forms but also have a base so that you can spawn certain forms without infecting them and create certain models for infected vehicles & structures so that when you take over the structure it changes to the infected model and vehicles spawned use an infected model and also any infantry spawned would be infected instead

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mechgt5 Author
mechgt5 - - 307 comments

@ connorlawd that would be a pain in the *** to do... but right now.... no flood... hence the name... Human-Covenant War....duh! :P... maybe later, but i plan to have flood in-game, just not playable

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Jesterinatlantic - - 333 comments

I don't know how is Halo wars, but i think that is better unit by unit...

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hawk_is_cool - - 12 comments

you should try merging with Halo: Evolutions or Halogen: The resurected mod. Just look them up they are both ongoing C&C Generals Zero Hour mods.

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mechgt5 Author
mechgt5 - - 307 comments

NO! damn, ive been told that too many times!

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nodfan64 - - 89 comments

Squads would be way better

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nodfan64 - - 89 comments

at least the battlefield looks more intense and realistic if there are squads of soliders in the field cuz 1 solider at a time is boring and makes no sense

every C&C game should have had Squads of Soliders not 1 at a time besides C&C 3 had Squads which was a Perfect Idea but I dont know why in RA3 EA would go back to 1 solider at a time cmon Squads are way better cuz that is the real way of how war should be like

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mechgt5 Author
mechgt5 - - 307 comments

yay @nodfan64 lol.... yea im thinking 5 marines per squad, but what about snipers and rocket guys? should they be mixed in with the marine squads? or be squads of their own? and how many guys to a squad?

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DefiantDucky - - 196 comments

I personally think unit by unit but do what china does on generals build 5 together to get a bonus

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-(TBS)-Jericho - - 355 comments

possible to make a squad package? like one click = 3 standard rifleman, 1 support weapons guy and a DM (Designated Marksman) ?

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mechgt5 Author
mechgt5 - - 307 comments

yea its possible, thats what i was thinking of doing... but unfortunately, its completely random which ones you get in a squad if i try to do that.... meaning if i set the code to say hey build these in a group: rocket,rifle,rifle,rifle,sniper... it would be random, you could have 5 rocket guys, lol (unlikely, but it would eventually happen) and what if that happened online? lol unbalanced much? so i wqas thinking 5 RFLS to a squad... 2 RKTS..... 2 SNPRS..... and 3 spec ops to a squad

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-(TBS)-Jericho - - 355 comments

seems good, kinda a sad that it would have to be randomised if it was a package

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mechgt5 Author
mechgt5 - - 307 comments

there may be a way to actually fix the units, but i havent figured it out, lol

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ExtremeTaco - - 117 comments

What about this Either upgrading squads into rocket/infantry or Sniper/Infantry with Infantry being standard marines or 5 regular infantry squads (probably 2 sniper units (spotter and sniper) and 3 rocket units (2 rockets 1 standard)) so these units could hold out against an enemy but not as much as a full fledged Reg. Infantry unit. An idea about Aircraft is probably the concept aircraft from halo wars (idea) and a kinda Missle Pelican (lol a little too wild)

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mechgt5 Author
mechgt5 - - 307 comments

ummm not going into ANYTHING concept from ANYTHING! especially official concepts , we would be shut down...FAST, lol.... missle pelican, is already being tested XD, lol i didnt add a turret bone, soo the missiles shoot out in a 360 degree angle, lol

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-(TBS)-Jericho - - 355 comments

an orginal variation from the shortswords? (kinda hard to stick to an existing game without concepts from it though...)

I'm not to good for concepts, but I am a voice actor/Writer if you ever need any help in that department, but you'd have to give me sometime, my grandmother just passed away

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mechgt5 Author
mechgt5 - - 307 comments

also, i am so sorry for your loss.... my grandmother passed away 1 year ago... today i think... you have my condolences

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-(TBS)-Jericho - - 355 comments


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flashknight33 - - 1,671 comments

u do realise that using squads will cancel any chance for using infantry transporter ,right?

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mechgt5 Author
mechgt5 - - 307 comments

transports do still work, because all the squad code does is build for example, five marines, and holds them together using the angry mob nexus... i havent tried putting them in transports, but i may need to test this, lol oh and taco? when you click on one of the troops in the squad, they are all ill test the transports out , also.. jericho, we will DEFINITELY need at least one voice actor, but right now we should be fine... what i would really like, is the unit sounds from Halo Wars, lol...but i cant find them anywhere.... im also trying to contact Microsoft (idk who to email) to ask if what we are is legal (im pretty sure it is) and if they could help in anyway, lol... DOUBT IT, we arent a company, just a mod, lol... but it would be awesome to have a big microsoft game studios logo in the game... just sayin... any1 know who i should contact?

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-(TBS)-Jericho - - 355 comments

no offense to microsoft, by my experience with them is that they don't usually talk back very often, I'd think you have a better shot at a talk with the previous original guys "Bungie". I have a copy of Halo Wars, Two actually, well one now, someone stole my other one, while I was at the funeral. All I've got left is this collector's edition

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mechgt5 Author
mechgt5 - - 307 comments

weeell, talking to bungie would be pointless, as microsoft retained ALL rights to the halo games (any of them)

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-(TBS)-Jericho - - 355 comments

then you've might have run into a wall on that

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mechgt5 Author
mechgt5 - - 307 comments

yepp.... ima go to their website, lol, might find something on there worth checking

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ExtremeTaco - - 117 comments

Than Change the Unit Concepts into probably Similarities or Inspiration from Halo Cut Content? What about that oh and are infantry transports still possible with squads? If not what about when you push the Buy Unit button you get 2 marines (grunts/etc.) so transports still work.

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zach016 - - 20 comments

Im in the no to squads train. Squads are a cool concept but unless there are specialty things to back it up (Cover, bonuses ala morale in W40K) there's nothing it accomplishes that building the infantry separately can't, but it does limit the way you customize what you send and having multiple different types attached muddies up the balancing of their weapons.

Mind you I know more then enough about the code that I can break it all apart anyway so I honestly couldn't care less about the final result.

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mechgt5 Author
mechgt5 - - 307 comments

this based on Halo, in which there are squads of troops...(grunts, marines) also, a single covenant grunt can take out two marines before dying... so a squad of 5 marines can take down a squad of 5 grunts (albeit with some losses )... unfortunately, if there is a single elite in that grunt squad, the covie would win... so having squads makes it more balanced in the end.. 1 marine squad can take out two or three elites (which is close to the games)

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Tamagakure - - 5,106 comments

Use the Red Guar's squad feature of 2 and change it to four or 5 for Marines, 2 for Rocket Soldiers.

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mechgt5 Author
mechgt5 - - 307 comments

okay then, your our coder also, so you try it, lets see how that goes... i tried, but they all kept dying as soon as they were trained

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