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I would like to point you to a very active development team called Tremz!

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For Tremulous to ever come to Desura, Trem 1.2 would have to be released. The likleness of that happening any time soon is unlikely. But I would like to point you to a very active development team called Tremz! They are updating the Tremulous engine and redoing all of the assets, with the same great gameplay. The current release date is January 1st.

Here is a link to there picasa Album , And this is a blog by a Developer

Preveiw of new pulse rifle.

The Tremz project will be all under the GPL license, so hopfully it will make it on to Desura


dai1313 - - 12 comments

That is one sexy pulse. It does sound like an interesting project, but I wonder if it will release on time, things even vaguely related to trem seem cursed in that respect.

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CreativeReach Author
CreativeReach - - 18 comments

I t will be released on time, but it is possible not all of the new assets will be included. So it may just end up being a public beta, until they finish every thing else.

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dai1313 - - 12 comments

Called it.

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dai1313 - - 12 comments

Called it.

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CreativeReach Author
CreativeReach - - 18 comments

we had a set back, team leader left and stuff. redoing some models and stuff our new date is feb 29th

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TheLeadHead - - 366 comments

I highly doubt it will accomplish something like "reuniting" the Tremulous community. It's just too lame to be united. Best of luck to the development team, but I'm still skeptic about this.

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