Post news Report RSS TITAN Wars won by the girls!

Hi every one, this is Gooch reporting in for duty. I’m the new guy on the block. Vince and I are working hard in Switzerland to make your gaming lives nothing short of sublime. We have also been involved in molding young minds and illuminating their lives with the love for gaming. If you are wondering

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Hi every one, this is Gooch reporting in for duty. I’m the new guy on the block. Vince and I are working hard in Switzerland to make your gaming lives nothing short of sublime.

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We have also been involved in molding young minds and illuminating their lives with the love for gaming. If you are wondering what the $%#*@ I am babbling about, read on.
Vince and I have been here in Switzerland for a month.

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Ever week we give a two hour lecture to 7th graders studying at an International school in town. It may sound somewhat corny, but I have to tell you that it has been quite an enlightening experience. We have given five lectures already and these kids have been emancipated from their mundane village life, into the boundless environment of gaming.

We started teaching these students the keys to good game design, from basic game theory to model rendering. But to get these kids really involved we proposed a competition between the boys and girls in the class.

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As you can imagine, Vince lead the team of girls, (rumors have it that his sister made him promise). On the other hand, I was determined to lead the guys to victory and of course I was resolute to avoid future psychiatrist bills for the boys’ parents due to exposure to a traumatic experience at a young age (loosing to a girl AHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!).

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So this is how it all went down. Each team drew their own model by hand and decided what features they preferred from the limited list we provided them with. After each team was done with their free hand designs, Vince and I rendered them. From the final design, you can see that Vince has the tougher time constructing the hot pink lip-gloss terminator. After we were done with each of out models we planted them in game, and set the stage for battle.

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The rules were kill or be killed, best out of five and the teams were eager to start rumbling. The first battle was a magnificent show of power.

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The girls used their awesome laser and the guys were getting the hang of their uber missile. It was not long before first blood was spilt and the guys celebrated the first win.

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But there was an unexpected turn of evens in the latter games.

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The girls’ learning curve was skyrocketing and the guys were regressing back to the Stone Age.

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Amazingly enough, the girls went on to win 3 straight victories and guaranteed the ISOTX gaming trophy. Moral of the story is; watch out guys, they are coming, and they take no prisoners.

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