Post news RSS TimeWarp - Progress Update May 2023

A lot of work has been done since the last article on the mod, and we're getting really close to finishing a demo! Here's a little peek on what's been going on.

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Welcome to the second progress update on TimeWarp! It's been about 2 months since the last article, and i've been working quite hard on finishing a demo of sorts for the mod. Good news is that we're very close to finishing a demo, so keep an eye out for that in the next few months!

However now i'm going to show off stuff that i've done and what i've been working on lately!

#1 - Cutscenes!

I've been working hard at getting a little concept of how an implementation of cutscenes could work in the mod, and made a short action packed animation test. It's been quite a pain to make because goldsrc but i hope you enjoy it!

That's the only thing i can show off that's cutscene related since anything else is either still in development or is just planned.

#2 - Maps!

Another thing to show off are maps, and there's a few cool ones to show!

These screenshots are from one of the finished levels of Chapter 1, an ancient water temple hidden underneath a cave.

Water Temple

Water Temple

Water Temple

This is a concept map for a time machine area in the AEC facilities, which you will return to multiple times.

Time Machine

Here's a shot of one more map, it'll be used for a cutscene.

Night Forest

That's it for maps, now it's time to move on to models!

#3 - Models!

First off i've updated Jay's design a bit to make her stand out from the rest of the characters more, and she has a cool gun now! I'll give a similar design update to Misscie too, so keep an eye out for that in the next article :D

Updated Jay

Updated Jay

Here's one of the weapons that you'll find in "present day" levels, a shotgun! Basically functions like the HL1 shotgun but without the altfire but it should still be pretty useful nonetheless!


#4 - Others!

Here's some other stuff that didn't really fit in the other categories.

First off, Bacontsu has implemented the Aurora particle system (like the one seen in Spirit of Half-Life), so now i can have really cool looking effects in the mod! Some new effects include new explosion particles, fire particles and blood particles.


Here's some explosions!


Some cool torches!

And finally, i have messed about with Xash's menu system, and made a cool looking new menu! I can only post a screenshot of it, but just imagine it having a cool moving background.

New Menu

#5 - End

So that's about it again! Progress on the mod has been going really fast, with Chapter 1 being fully playable now, although missing cutscenes, voicelines, and stuff.

That means that a demo release will be coming pretty soon, this might even be the last article before the demo comes out!

I hope you enjoyed this little progress update, i'll see you around in the next one!

SweetRamona - - 5,196 comments

Looks good! 😺

Reply Good karma Bad karma+3 votes
splashmob - - 20 comments

really cool stuff! love the art style you're going for

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FlippedOutKyrii - - 3,595 comments

Really loving how this unique art style is coming along, really stands out from pretty much every other half-life mod out there!

Reply Good karma Bad karma+4 votes
Geekysam - - 183 comments

Loves the way the game looks there is literally no other mod currently with this art style.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+3 votes
GoodGriefer - - 34 comments

Dude the artstyle is so freaking cool. Gives me 90's anime vibes.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+3 votes
Qwertyus - - 2,590 comments


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