Post news RSS There's A New Video On The Internet

We've got a new video for ya'll to watch. It depicts our hub world, explored between puzzles. We love feedback, so let us know what you think. We also enjoy extravagant praise, just a heads up.

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Hey, folks. It's been a while since I made a video of our game, so I went ahead and did that. You can view it on here, or if you want you can follow the link all the way across town to Youtube and watch it in relatively high definition. This one shows our overworld, which is an mysterious island with lots of potential for exploration. I'm quite sure ya'll will dig it. Our game doesn't have its own music yet, so the music in this video is from Chrono Cross. Hopefully that doesn't upset anybody. We're hoping to release the game, or at least a demo of it, in a few months. We're also very likely to bring it to IOS, which may excite some of you. It excites me. It should excite you. I don't know why it wouldn't.

Anyway, we love feedback. Do you like our video? Do you think you are going to like our game? Hopefully both of those are a yes, but you should let us know if you think we're doing terribly, too. That's useful information.


KoleAudioSolutions - - 65 comments

The video looks really nice, well done! I think the music fit pretty well too... are you going to have your composer stick to a similar style?

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Lacabra Author
Lacabra - - 138 comments

Possibly! We need to give it a lot of thought. Are you a musician? Your name makes me think you're a musician.

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KoleAudioSolutions - - 65 comments

Haha, yes I am. Composer/Sound Designer, feel free to PM if you have any music questions.

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