Post news RSS The way forward for Redux, Part One!

Where does it lie? What's in it, how will it be released and when?

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Since deciding to continue work on Redux (aiming hopefully for an eventual v2.0 release) I've been considering what I, and you guys, want to implement into the mod, as well as the time-frame to do so and the development cycle.

Let's talk about the first point, first!

What's coming in v2.0?

A good question! I've identified three main areas in which I had hoped to improve the game in v1.0, but which unfortunately didn't make the cut in time.

  • Upgrades

- Though I'm quite proud of the 149 new weapon variants introduced in v1.0, the way the game handles their distribution is a little flawed, and they simply don't make up for the lack of upgrading (on both weaponry and outfits). Because the way the vanilla upgrade system works leads to huge balance issues and other problems when used with weapons that have non-vanilla statistics, I'll need to develop a new system of upgrades for each weapon and outfit that allow you to improve your items but not make them horribly unbalanced! I'm determined to do this, and once done should make the overall game experience more fun (as it's great to be able to keep a personal weapon for the whole game, right?).

  • Stashes

- Ah, stashes. I hope you can understand why I had to remove these altogether after not having enough time to create the new system I had in mind - the fact that you can find huge amounts of supplies almost everywhere you look doesn't work well when trying to create a sense of desperation because of lack of supplies! The new system I'm looking to implement would hopefully lead to entirely new stash locations (as knowing where everything is already is boring, right?) containing different goodies, flavour items, and of course, supplies! I hope to have more information on this in the near future.

  • Life in Pripyat

- Again, another area in which I was sad to have to skimp was Pripyat - as mentioned in my 'Bringing Life to the Dead City' article, I was disappointed in the state of Pripyat in vanilla CoP, especially as it's the game's namesake. I want to bring more life and dynamic interaction to the zone, so that means more mutants and Stalkers, for a start!

So those are the three main points I'm looking to address for v2.0, but that's not all! Along with these, I'm looking to add...

  • New suits, helmets and usable items.
  • New flavour items.
  • An improved Random Weapon System.
  • Better NPC, economy and weapon balance.
  • ... And more!

So, now it's your turn!

Let me know what you think about what I've said, and if you have sensible and realistic ideas you'd like to see in the mod, tell me!

Next time, we'll talk about the ways of handling development and the time-frame for v2.0!

Don't let the blind dogs get'cha!
- Beacon
Creator of Call of Pripyat: Redux

Nerts - - 37 comments

Don't let Bandits spawn with RPGs and grenade launchers.

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Beac Author
Beac - - 1,030 comments

I'm tuning the RWS, but I don't see why experienced bandits shouldn't occasionally have heavy weaponry ;)

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Amez - - 514 comments

I wouldn't mind bandits with RPG's.

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Draxanoth - - 36 comments

+1 Vote for bandits with RPGs. If you want a game that's easy go play Farmville.

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jjawinte - - 5,064 comments

Why the hell not man ? It's game play elements like these that serve to enhance the hardcore challenges that Beac implements to make Redux the outstanding challenge it is. You've just got to get the hell out of the way of them ( if your sharp enough ) !

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jjawinte - - 5,064 comments

Oh and also, in regards to the Pripyat section - I like what your thinking here. I find it way too " safely scripted " and lacking in survival combat. You get X amount of enemies and once you've cleared them, you have none further to look forward to except the occasional hamster and the Monolith wrap up battle. Go to point A and complete the objective....go to point B, C, D and E and repeat. Aside from the purpose of wrapping up the story line, it's droll as hell.

Strategically spawning up a serious amount of enemies would really spice Pripyat up - considering the firepower and armor you'd have, they'd have to be uber-tough ( especially the muties. Chimeras and pseudo-dogs i.e. ). Yes, and a whole bunch of heavy weaponry for them too. Think of Pripyat as the grand finale !

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Bolognius_Maximus - - 619 comments

Yeah these ideas are great Beac! What are your thoughts on adding some more mutants? Like the cat and others?

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Beac Author
Beac - - 1,030 comments

I'm afraid I'm not going to add new mutants, such as the cat or Izlom, etc.

If GSC thought they fit the Zone, they would have put them in themselves ;)

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MacBradley - - 600 comments

I always thought the zombies and Izlom's seemed misfitting, like having zombies just because they're trendy or something (*cough* CoD, Red Dead *cough*). The zombified Stalkers seem much more unique for the STALKER games.

The cats never seemed weird to me though, because there are other mutated animals. Are there even large breed cats near Chernobyl in real life?

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Bastante - - 2 comments

*because I'm still in a complaining mood*

You /could/ remove all the mods that you're including as per preference and simply give us the mod you're working on... you DON'T need to have every mod you think is "good" in your mod to get people to like it... just what you actually are working on.

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Beac Author
Beac - - 1,030 comments


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MacBradley - - 600 comments

I think he's referring to leaving out things like ATMOSFEAR, Gnomus Scopes, MAIO, ect, and just using solely Redux features, like the NPC stories, stronger mutants, stronger radiation, Redux HUD, ect.

I don't agree with it, but I think that is what Bastante is saying.

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Beac Author
Beac - - 1,030 comments

I see (also Gnomus scopes is not included in Redux).

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kenny355a - - 341 comments

If you make the new artifacts more useable then yes, these updates will make this mod ideal.

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