Within Didgery are hidden several special cards. These unique entities will make themselves known to you when you have restored enough harmony into the world.
The second of these special cards is the Bridge, an interesting and powerful entity that allows you to bridge the gap between two distal cards, allowing chains to be formed that were otherwise impossible.
The Bridge enables you to pull off some magnificent chains. All it takes is a bit of planning, a bit of luck, and a bit of skill.
Looks great. You should sell this on Big Fish Games.
Thanks for the complement and suggestion lackoo! I have potential plans of getting Didgery on Steam, but Big Fish looks like it would be an excellent place to shoot for as well. I'll definitely check into this.
Your welcome. But i have to tell you ,BFG is selling non Collector Editions for $6.99 and Collectors Editions for $19.95.If you want to sell your game as CE , you have to add extras to it.