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Possessing unmatched firepower and protection for a ship of its class, as well as a full carrier air wing, the Retivvy Class Cruiser is the indomitable will of the Soviet Union made manifest.

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Commit To: STAVKA Record GNL 119/2465
NLC Record 3711 11/98431
Crossfile To: Batyuk Fleetyards, Stalingrad System, SMRTA

Subject: Re. Operations, Outer Marker VII, Galleria System.
Input Date: 23:29 NLT December 4th 2287
Input Clearance: Commissar Matthew Altfater
Author: Captain Alexei Petrov

Comrade Admiral,

Ship and crew have completed 17 days of nearly continuous offensive action, and am happy to report both are performing well. As reported by Intelligence, enemy units within system are centered around Savelev, with only minor Kriegsmarine units deployed to outer markers.

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Ship's orders included the defense of FOB AV-67 and elimination of reported enemy raiders attacking friendly shipping. Reconnaissance revealed the existence of two primary threats, Guderian-class cruiser unconfirmed as Hessen and Westfalen-class destroyer confirmed as Admiral Karl Binder. Major Dragan confirmed this information and noted that friendly units in the area (see: FOB AV-67 Garrison) were unable to penetrate the armor of either target.

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First enemy contact was with German patrol unit consisting of two corvette classed vessels, both disabled almost immediately once within range. After three days of fruitless searching, arrived back at AV-67 to take on additional reconnaissance equipment. Detected German intelligence drone and disabled it before tracing origin to German destroyer Admiral Karl Binder. Shots fired from central battery sheared destroyer primary hull, nearly cutting it in two. Left adrift for recovery teams. (Grid 35, 86, 67)

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After moving to engage suspected enemy supply convoy, intercepted en route by Kriegsmarine cruiser (suspected, yet not confirmed as the Hessen). Initially caught out of position and struck by roughly thirty enemy rounds, none managed to penetrate causing only superficial damage. Counter fire consisted of a single starboard broadside, detonating target's engine and resulting in a terrific explosion.

With the destruction of these two vessels, enemy forces within the area can be considered negligible.

-Captain Alexei Petrov

polokof - - 60 comments

oh my god ! incredible work

just one question : does the turrets can rotate ?

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ThatBritishBloke - - 394 comments

They cannot, from what I understand, as it's hardcoded into the engine (I could be wrong however, I'll let Hydrocarbon clarify it).

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dukka - - 159 comments

Correct, and the only real 'fix' is a messy hack that really isn't worth it. Instead, each weapon has a 'cone of fire' and the ship will automatically attempt to align the side of vessel with the highest DPS output (except for the rear, which is no checked in this 'search'). This means the in most cases the ship will try to engage enemies with either of its broadside batteries. While this lack of turret rotation is somewhat displeasing on a visual level, all the ships thus far still look excellent in action.

tok, if I was wrong about anything feel free to correct me.

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hydrocarbon000 - - 277 comments

nah you nailed it. this is probably why sins guns are typically inside the mesh - you can rationalize 90 degree arcs and no turret rotation if it's just a gun port or whatever.

but yeah, it looks good anyway. we'll be showing off the weapon effects in videos which should illustrate how well broadside combat works in motion. we made a lot of changes to physics to allow larger vessels to have more naval-looking turning and such to go along with it all.

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Riccars - - 270 comments

I don't believe they can. I'm assuming that since a vanilla Kol Battleship can't then it can't either.

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ianna_keeper - - 279 comments

looks good!

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Denizme - - 1 comments

Amazing work!

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IPS - - 289 comments

really nice to see that ship finally ingame!

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SwissKnight Author
SwissKnight - - 498 comments

thanks for help making it happen comrade.

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NapalmNub - - 66 comments

wonderful work keep it up

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