The mod is still not finished and has some bugs but I'm willing to upload it to you guys because I don't know if I'm going to finish this mod any time soon. I've lost most of my files and small mods that I wanted to add (like guns, gun animations, A.I stuff, sound textures). But I got lucky and found on my older pc the main mod that you've seen on the videos. I'd like to share it with you guys, maybe there will be modders that liked my idea and want to finish or add some of there stuff, because I know some of you were waiting for this mod for some time now and I don't want to let you down, but the thing is I don't know if Im going to mod any other stalker mod any time soon. I had my own vision of this mod but only half of it is seen in this mod. I had other plans besides this mod, much bigger ones, but things have changed :)
So let me know you're opinion in this situation. And let me know if anyone wants to finish this mod or should I just upload it to everyone.
It was looking really good. Maybe release it now as an Alpha or Beta or something, and some of us can have fun with it and add to it.
Will do :)
Gaila, kad daug kam taip gaunasi. :( As ir pats kuriu savo moda, turiu dideliu planu, bet neesu tikras ar man uzteks ziniu ji padaryt toki, kokio noriu... Visi turim dideliu svajoniu, bet nevisada viskas imanoma kai dirbi vienas... Bet galiu pasakyt, kad, is to kas matosi dabar, daug pasiekei ir butu gaila jai nepasidalintum. ;)
butinai :) neproblema. Tik nemazai uziims sitas modas :D
Nieko, nieko! Sueis... :D
ok, sian arba rytoj bus linkas nes netilpo i sita saita mano modas :D
Good to know that you are willing to share your current work with us. Can't wait to try it!
I've gotta agree with you and Boredgunner, You should release it and let anyone who want's to play around with it do so, That's better than leaving it to gather dust and never see the light of day.
I knew it always ends like this...but share it with us, I can't wait to see your work!
Agree with above comments, make it available for download, perhaps one day you will get the opportunity to return to this and complete it (hopefully :))
Va va..As irgi kazkada svaigau apie modo kurima, bet kuo daugiau suzinai kaip kas darosi..tuo realiau supranti, kodel tokie projektai kaip Lost Alpha darosi ne vienus metus, ne du ir ne tris, jau nekalbant apie tai kiek zmoniu ji daro...
Bet kokiu atveju tu turbut busi daugiausiai pasiekes is visos Lietuvos ir su tuo tave sveikinu..gaila tik tai, kad tu, kaip vienas (ir greiciausiai vienintelis)is tu rimtuju turi pasitraukti..tikekimes, kad viena diena grisi..:) Sekmes!:)