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Things are changing, I am taking over the Spreading Infection Team, will we continue with Left 4 Quake, or go in a different direction. Help us decide!

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I am taking over Spreading Infection, I am going to bring this team to a professional level, and create quality games for not only the PSP, but for the PC as well. Names may change, and our ambitions will follow. At the moment, we are working on Left 4 Quake, which has slowed to a crawl since I left, but I have bigger plans for Spreading Infection:

Imagine an open-world rural city with 10 players and around 1000 bots. The players would be scattered around this world in random situations, including home living, store working/shopping, and even office work. What would happen if a rabid dog happened to take a chunk out of a mans leg, what would happen if that rabies began to alter his brain, and the function of his bodily fluids to reproduce itself and destroy the human race?

The goal of the game is to survive for a determined amount of time, or even eradicate the infestation itself. To survive, your best bet is to find and connect with either bots or other players and work together. This can be expanded to single player and even story mode. Nothing would be hard coded, the game experience would change every single time you played.

This idea will be expanded in time, and this post will change over the course of the next week. A forum has been open for anyone without registration required Here.

This would start on the PSP in a basic single player game, and in time may be released on other platforms.

This is just an idea, and not currently a reality. As of now, the dev team itself is being examined and minified to allow for expansion.

Another thing you will notice, is that Spreading Infection no longer will have leaders, we will have Head Devs, these devs are there to articulate and provide an example for the other devs.

Post a reply with your views, good/bad, every view is valued. In the future, I will create a poll that will not specifically determine the outcome of the team, but will give us a good idea of what you want.

At the moment, we plan to finish Left4Quake in a swift fashion, with a minified story line, but good basic gameplay.


You are dropped into a random place in a random giant open city, your goal: survive!

Long Description:

First scenario, POV of citizen:
Normal day on the job, someone runs in screaming 'he bit me' of something of the sort, and quickly turn into a zombie. This will rapidly throw you into the game, and support the realism of an unprepared situation. Weapons will be scarce, you will start with what goes with the scene ex: Construction worker - hammer, Police officer - Handgun / Baton etc. You continue to fight your way through this first zombie attack, and make your way outside and quickly link up with other equally badly equipped AI or users and fight your way to safety (Police stations or Army Bases), at these places, you are able to team up with other better trained/equipped AI and fight together. The random placement, equipment, and randomness of the AI allows for a completely different experience every time, thus continuous fun.

Next scenario, POV of authority:
You emerge into a training depot for the US Armed Forces (or other international forces ex: Police, Irani Special Forces, ETC), you are briefly trained in the art of using your weapon (specific to the area), but your training is cut short by shots in the distance. You run with your commander to secure the base against what looks to be some kind of animal, but turns out to be a zombie. Overall goal: Eradicate the zombie infestation, and save other survivors.

Last Scenario, POV of a zombie:
You start off in a standoff that you can't win with zombies, after fighting however much you want, you are quickly infected and torn apart randomly. Your speed and abilities are directly dependent on the damage done while you were infected, you are then lead by the the zombie leader around you, and infect every human you can find, dodging bullets and weapons. Eventually, you become stronger and separate from your zombie 'pack'. You continue to infect people who then become your subordinates and fight with you, and eventually for you. Overall goal: Infect everything around you.

Possible Outcomes:
The game ends when you either achieve your overall goal, or you die. Zombies are fast, and intelligent, driven by the fight to reproduce.

All these scenarios can be made into game modes, and be accomplished within 2 years (generously speaking).

Suggest names for this project with a reply, a poll will later be created.

Post comment Comments
Metal_Invader - - 809 comments

I like a lot the idea of a game where the infection spreads and you are in the middle of the crisis, it's one of my dreams to play a game about that! soy I will love to see that game made reality, and I like more that idea that remaking the left 4 dead game (doesn't mean that I dislike it).
Anyway, do what you thik it's the best first, but please....Make that game a reality (and for pc XD )

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Nixtwiz - - 195 comments

Infectious Apocalypse. idk :P
about your article, i like the idea.
I also like the 'no leader' idea. That's the same approach were taking at UrbanWars. It really makes things easier when the entire team makes decisions.
I also like the game idea. an outcome idea if you like:
you could become 'uninfected' with an antidote, and have to give it to the other zombies. each one fights with you after you've 'uninfected' it.

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Avenger2150 - - 496 comments

I dont think thats possible: A zombie is basicly a human that was killed and brought back to life with a infection. so it means that if you kill the infection you kill the infected humans.

on topic:
i pretty much liked it.
Survivors scattered around the city same about weapons.
looks like its going to be a good zombie game. im tracking.
i always wanted to play left 4 dead styled games, but never had the chance due to weak computer.

anyways Good Job
i hope this game will be released soon.

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Ribcaged Author
Ribcaged - - 98 comments

We are going to develop wearily, and make sure it can run on lower-end computers. We may even release a PSP version.

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flashpoint93 - - 113 comments

Actually, humans never die, they go into a coma-like state where the virus replicates and mutates every cell in the body starting with the brain.

I recommend if you guys decide to make this game, that you read the 'Zombie Survival Guide' by Max Brooks.

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Ribcaged Author
Ribcaged - - 98 comments

I've already read it. Also the main problem with some sort of antidote, is that our zombies are going to be torn to shreds, dragging their intestines and such. Simply curing the infection would surely lead to death: "Hey thanks for reviving me, now I can live a happy life in this town infested with the undead. I'm only missing a leg and my flesh isn't completely rotted off the bone!"

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SourHyperion1 - - 860 comments

I honestly Hate it. this is a recreation or expansion upon Left 4 dead. If you guys want to go make a different game. why not split the team's projects? IDK about everyone else, but I would like it if you sticked with the original 4 survivors meeting and fighting to survive in a zombie infested wasteland

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Mobster103 - - 915 comments

We are still finishing left4quake with the storyline I posted some time ago. It will feature the same starting characters after they leave the airport. The new game which was posted about here will be started after the left4quake release.

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Ribcaged Author
Ribcaged - - 98 comments

As mobster said, Left4Quake will be finished, this new project will be completely separate, just wanted to run it by the fans. We can easily finish Left4Quake in 2-3 months.

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ArchDukeInstinct - - 709 comments

Wasn't it supposed to be done like August of last year?

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Ribcaged Author
Ribcaged - - 98 comments

<sarcasm>You're right, we shouldn't complete it at all.</sarcasm>Weren't you supposed to pay attention?

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ArchDukeInstinct - - 709 comments

So tell me, how do you plan on completing L4Q in 2-3 months by "minimizing" the Dev team? That sounds counterproductive to your goal, unless "minimizing" meant that YOU are leaving the team.

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Ribcaged Author
Ribcaged - - 98 comments

Because, the team is currently full of inactive devs, with a streamlined team, our productive devs won't use our inactive devs as an example, it will create an overall happier development environment and make room for more productive devs. We can finish L4Q in 2-3 months easily as all we need is to finish the code, which me and gh0st can do. If you'd like we can forget about L4Q, you seem to have quite the sharp mouth, why don't you take over the project.

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thewonderboy - - 653 comments

Umm i dont like the idea to leave your game inactive of developer activity after release and start another one since many good game have been died because developers roam after their fantasies one good example is true combat elite it was a good game populated by few thousand players now only maybe hundred players but then team left to understandable reasons (real life. Main coder didnt give source code. Harddrive failure) and then dumm choice to make better engine tittled xreal engine finaly true combat elite haves some things going on :P such main coder is back... But you got the point
Make your new game when
1: xreal engine is up and ready :) ---> some features
Real time shadows and lighting. Pixel shader 2 and vertex shader support. Faster than ioquake3 engine (benchmark test works with better graphics with better fps)
2:when and if cryengine comes free open source it works nicely at laptops and can be optimized low nicely

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Ribcaged Author
Ribcaged - - 98 comments

1: Left 4 Quake will be finished.
2: This will be a HIGH QUALITY PC game.

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MindRiot - - 1,843 comments

dnt make plans till l4q is finished

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Isundir - - 554 comments

A big open non linear zombie filled game I WANT IT for years I've been dreaming of somebody combining a open world with zombies and with guns.. just make sure there are tons of guns the most guns ive seen in a game yet are 80 maybe you can change it to 90? :)

This would start on the PSP in a basic single player game, and in time may be released on other platforms. I DONT HAVE A PSP MAKE IT PC

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thewonderboy - - 653 comments

Basstardy@ 1: yea i readed its going to be released but hope you dont leave it without any small patch or expansion :'( its main reason why games die
2: and i though that quality depends how you will make them happen not the engine since there is games that push very old engines to their limits like upcoming sequel of the game i mentioned true combat elite name is cqb and it uses wolfenstein enemy terriotory graphics (engine is quite unclear but its light version of quake 3 engine) and it uses somekindof cod 4 material editor o..o
But i prefere still that xreal is best engine ;D do what you want but dont leave left 4 quake after release

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Ribcaged Author
Ribcaged - - 98 comments

It is the engine to an extent, you are right that it depends on the models and textures, yet the engine decides what quality those will be. We won't release We: The Hunted for PSP, as the model quality will ruin the game.

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Ghost_Fang - - 825 comments

why not a bite sized, not as expanded world for the PSP? Smaller world, less guns, less zombies (at a time). But still fun for it being a hand held.

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thewonderboy - - 653 comments

Basstardy@ yea but i have had better experience with quake 3 engine than unreal tournament 3 engine since some games realy can make tricky things and fool us that it looks better. But i dont whine ^^ now it feels obvious that you use unreal 3 engine ?
But everyone who wants may anwser this (i took straight copy and paste)
"Can proces 500 000-700 000 polygons with current medium hardware with 50-60 fps" im just curious about isnt that enough for game ? When i got anwsered to my reply i wont bother anymore :)

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Ribcaged Author
Ribcaged - - 98 comments

The problem with what you're saying is that we are using a platform that can handle 100x better engines.

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thewonderboy - - 653 comments

I was just curious about polygons :s but good luck with the game o/

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Av7xrocker97 - - 178 comments

In my opinion, scratch the whole 'left 4 dead' related name and find a new one. I love this Idea because it reminds me so much of the great map-based rpg urban dead. The only flaw with that game was that it was only map based so it was lees interactive and took some of the fun out. I think if you pull it of right, it could be the awesome urban dead I've always wanted. Best of luck, don't let it die.

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Ribcaged Author
Ribcaged - - 98 comments

Left 4 Quake will be completed as a separate project.

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Av7xrocker97 - - 178 comments

oh so you guys will do both?

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Mobster103 - - 915 comments

Yes as we have stated above...

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shiprocker - - 256 comments

is the coding almost in the middle?

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MindRiot - - 1,843 comments

i havent been in much contact with u guys but i hope u do a good job

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MindRiot - - 1,843 comments

we still have some aspects of the spreading infenction story otherwise ive made some good maps for nothing

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shiprocker - - 256 comments

sir nut,are you really not part of the team anymore?

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joealtair - - 379 comments

"At the moment, we plan to finish Left4Quake in a swift fashion, with a minified story line, but good basic gameplay."

how swift are we talking here
1 week
1 month
1 year

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Ribcaged Author
Ribcaged - - 98 comments

A month or two from when we get the team sorted out.

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System_Lord - - 34 comments

I think you shoudl finish left 4 Quake.

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Ribcaged Author
Ribcaged - - 98 comments

If you would take the time to read the comments you would understand. I'm not going to hand it to you, you can do it yourself.

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Mr_Cookies - - 750 comments

I don't think that let a game with 1 year of development and highly awaited by the moddb community and his visitants to ake a entire new game wold be a good choice.

It's better finish l4q and later think about another game,or else :

1.with various game dealing with just one group,the launch date of both will be increased (and i'm talking about years)

2.with peolpe getting out of the group cause to hardly work and scary by the final result be a disaster,the group will decrease

3.with little people to help,the games will die and the story will end.

Don't think that this i've talked is a lie,i see d many good games died by that.

By the way,think about that and make a good choice ;)

PS: make left 4 quake and LATER make the game.

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el-pepi - - 114 comments

Yeah we will finish l4q first and then the team will start with the other project... I think xD

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Ribcaged Author
Ribcaged - - 98 comments

1: That's the whole idea.
2: Non productive developers provide a bad example for the rest of the potentially productive devs.
3: If you're going to try and sway my decision in the future, use proper grammar, at least give it a little thought.

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Billy_Mays - - 42 comments

I'm very skeptical about your game idea. It seems like some dev fantasy that you will never accomplish. I don't think you can run a game with 1000 bots (you'll need a very good coder also). The game sounds good, but in practice, it's never going to happen, sorry :(.
Just please make sure you finish Left4Quake. Don't scrap it and go after your fantasy game. IMO instead you should keep expanding on Left4Quake after you release a beta.

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thewonderboy - - 653 comments

Billy_Mays@ hah you have **** to say that just what i was thinking i said it before i think... I dont remember but thats exatly what i was thinking

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